The Importance of Good Communication Skills

Developing your communication skills can help all aspects of your life, from your professional life to social gatherings and everything in between.
The ability to communicate information accurately, clearly and as intended, is a vital life skill and something that should not be overlooked. It’s never too late to work on your communication skills and by doing so, you may well find that you improve your quality of life.
Communication skills are needed in almost all aspects of life:
1. Professionally, if you are applying for jobs or looking for a promotion with your current employer, you will almost certainly need to demonstrate good communication skills.
2. In your personal life, good communication skills can improve your personal relationships by helping you to understand others, and to be understood.
3. Communication skills can also ensure that you are able to manage interactions with businesses and organisations



Conversation/Dialogue 1

Listening and Responding to Simple Instructions.
Read the dialogue between Wei Hoong and his football coach, Vinash.
Practice to read out "loud and clear".

Wei Hoong

Good morning, Mr Vinash


Good morning, Wei Hoong. I see that you are ready for your football training.

Wei Hoong

Yes, sir. I want to accomplish my New Year resolution and become a school football player.


You are punctual, Wei Hoong. That is the first step to be a disciplined football player. Now, listen to my instructions on what you must do today. First, you must run five rounds around the field to warm up. Second, practice dribbling the ball with two friends for half an hour. You will learn to pass the ball with speed and precision. Next, practise kicking the ball into the goal. Kick low and aim at the corners of the goal. You will learn to score goals. Do this for half an hour.

Wei Hoong

Is that all, sir?


I have one more instruction. After school, watch the recorded football matches between Red Lion and Yellow Tiger. You will Learn how to pass the ball accurately.


I will do that, sir. Thank you very much.


I hope you will remember my instructions.

Conversation/Dialogue 2

Practice to read out the dialogue "loud and clear" to improve your fluency.


Hi, Asmie and Zen Yee. Tomorrow is New Year. What are your plans? I’ll pay a visit to an orphanage and give some clothes as donation.


I ‘m going to take up an unusual hobby. I want to play Chinese drums.

I want to be a professional drummer when I leave school.

Zen Yee

I’m going with a friend to an Indian restaurant to enjoy the vegetarian meal. The name of the restaurant is Spice of Life.


Hey, what a coincidence. I’m going there too after my visit to an orphanage. My uncle is the chef there. Let’s go together, Zen Yee. Asmie, you can come along too.


That’s a great idea. We’ll have the most wonderful New Year celebration.

Articles: "a", "an" and "the"

"a" = comes before words that begin with a consonant sound.

"an" = comes before words that begin with a vowel sound.

"the" = is used to refer to specific or particular nouns.

Conversation/Dialogue 3

Practice to read out "loud and clear".


May, let’s buy some coffee for your dad.


Look, two packets for the price of one. What a good bargain!


May, did you check the expiry date?


Oh no! The packets of coffee expires in two weeks.


You should also read the label to see the contents before you buy. I think we should buy this brand of coffee instead because it is sugar free.


Sorry mum, I forgot to read the label. Dad does not take sugar in his drinks.


I think we should get a bottle of jam, a can of tuna and a loaf of bread too.


How about buying a cartoon of chocolate-flavoured milk?


Perhaps we should buy it another time. It seems to be pricey this time. We should be smart consumers and try to stretch our Ringgit.

A good conversationalist has ideas, reads, thinks, listens and has therefore something to say. - Sir Walter Scott
Say the right thing or say nothing. - Anonymous

Dialogues guidelines

A dialogue is a conversation between two people. It can be on any topic. A dialogue can include:

• Making enquiries • Giving information
• Asking for and giving opinions and advice
* Talking about likes, dislikes and interests
• Asking for and giving clarification
• Talking in favour of or against a topic
• Making plans
• Making suggestions
• Responding to suggestions
• Expressing agreement
* Offering congratulations or condolences

More examples

Example 1:

Your younger brother read a newspaper article entitled 'Number of polluted rivers increases: He wants to know more about this. Based on the notes below, write a dialogue between you and him to explain the situation.
- Dumping of animal, human and toxic wastes
Measures that can prevent river pollution
- Increase public awareness about the role of rivers
- Organise campaigns—e.g. 'Love Your River' campaign
- Gotong-royong projects
- Stop dumping waste into rivers
When writing the dialogue, you must:
• mention the causes of river pollution
• state the measures taken by the authorities
• mention how the public can help

Practice to read out "loud and clear".

River Pollution

Mr A

Nowadays, newspapers seem to be full of articles about river pollution. Aren't there better things to report about?

Mr B

You are wrong, Razif. Rivers are very important as sources of drinking water and as waterways. Rivers have economic and aesthetic roles.

Mr A

Why does river pollution occur in the first place?

Mr B

The main cause of river pollution is the dumping of animal, human and toxic wastes.

Mr A

Who are the culprits, then?

Mr B

We are all responsible. We dump rubbish indiscriminately into rivers, turning them into rivers of waste. Factories dump their effluents and toxic substances.

Mr A

Can't we do anything to protect our rivers?

Mr B

Oh, yes, we can. We can help to increase public awareness about the role of rivers. When people know how important rivers are, they will stop dumping rubbish into them. We can also participate in campaigns such as the 'Love Your. River' campaign. Additionally, we can organise gotong-royong projects in our communities and clean up parts of rivers.

Mr A

What will happen to a river when nothing is done to clean the pollution?

Mr B

If nothing is done, a polluted river will ultimately die. A dead river will become cloudy and smelly because it has no oxygen. A dead river cannot support aquatic life and will become a source of waterborne diseases.

Mr A

Now I see the importance of keeping our rivers clean. It must be very expensive for the government to revive a dead river or clean polluted rivers.

Mr B

Yes, the government may have to fork out millions of ringgit to clean them up.

Word bank
Aesthetic - concerned with beauty
Culprits - people responsible for causing a problem
Indiscriminately - without much thought
effluents - discharged materials
waterborne diseases - diseases that are spread or carried by water
fork out - spend

Example 2:

Enquiries About Tuition

Mr A

Hello, this is Premier Tuition Centre. Can I help you?

Mr B

Good morning. I am Hasni and I will be taking my SPM this year. I came across your advertisement about the Materials tuition centre. I would like to enquire about a few things before I register.

Mr A

Yes, what would you like to know? I will be glad to oblige.

Mr B

First of all, where is this tuition centre?

Mr B

Oh, it is fright in the heart of town. It is only a stone's throw from the bus terminal.

Mr B

How about the subjects? Do you offer all the exam subjects?

Mr B

Yes, we offer all subjects except for Art.

Mr B

Are the teaches qualified?

Mr B

Yes, of course. In fact, they are very experienced in their respective areas or fields.

Mr B

How about the size of the classes?

Mr B

There is a set number of students in a class. Therefore, personalised teaching is guaranteed.

Mr B

When do the tuition classes commence?

Mr B

For next year, it will commerce on 5 January 201X. There are limited places. The registration fee of RM15 will be waived for the first 50 students.

Mr B

How much is the tuition fee for a subject?

Mr B

The fee is RM25 per subject.

Mr B

Is there anything else that I should know about the tuition centre?

Mr A

Our tuition centre has an excellent track record. We provide effective notes that are developed by the teachers themselves. We also have motivational talks and seminars prior to the exams.

Mr B

You can register your name. All you have to do is pay the tuition fees for a month in advance. Registration is from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekdays.

Mr A

Thank you.

Mr B

You're welcome.

Word bank
oblige - help somebody by doing what they ask
a stone's throw - a short distance away
Commerce – start
Waive – set aside

Example 3

Information About A Resort

You need more information so you call the resort.
Write the telephone conversation between you and the reservations clerk.
You must elaborate on the following points:
• Types of rooms available and room rates
• The facilities available for guests
• The activities for guests to participate in

Mr A

Merlina Resort, good afternoon. Can I help you?

Mr B

Good afternoon. My name is Junaidah. I saw your advertisement in the newspaper and would like to know more about your offer. You mentioned that the rates are 'from RM95 nett'. What exactly do you mean by this?

Mr A

Our prices are nett prices, meaning that all taxes akin are included. The rates start at RM95 nett for single occupancy. There are different rates for double occupancy or for our chalets.

Mr B

I'm sorry, I'm a bit confused. Do you have rooms or chalets?

Mr A

We have both rooms and chalets. The rooms are orn rates standard twin rooms meant for a maximum of three adults. For double occupancy, the rate is RM120 nett and there is an additional charge of RNI30 if there is a third person.

Mr B

That comes up to RM150 for three persons. There are four of us in my family and taking two rooms would cost RM240!

Mr A

If you are coming with your family, I would suggest that you take one of our chalets. They have two rooms, a kitchenette, a bathroom and a cosy hall. It is ideal for four people.

Mr B

That sounds much better. How much does it cost?

Mr A

The chalets are RM210 nett.

Mr B

Good. Are the chalets air-conditioned?

Mr A

Yes, all our rooms and chalets are air-conditioned.

Mr B

Your advertisement also says something about beautiful scenery.

Mr A

Our resort is built overlooking a bay, so all rooms and chalets face the sea. By the way, you will be given a welcome drink when you arrive and breakfast the next morning, free of charge.

Mr B

What about the free boat ride?

Mr A

Guests are entitled to a free boat ride to visit any of the nearby islands. The clear, warm waters here host a variety of corals and fish and are a snorkeller's delight!

Mr B

Your advertisement also mentioned other facilities. What facilities do you have? host a variety of corals and fish and are a snorkeller's delight!

Mr A

Our resort has three tennis courts, a sauna, swimming pool and a well-equipped gym. host a variety of corals and fish and are a snorkeller's delight!

Mr B

I'm not much of an exercise freak. Do you have anything else?

Mr A

Oh, there are lots of other things you can do here. Directly behind the resort is a jungle, and you can take part in jungle trekking. Or you can try beach volleyball with other guests. We also have a beautiful landscaped garden with a small lake where you might like to relax and read a book, if you are not the active type. However, I still think the best way to spend your time here is to lie on the beach and unwind.

Mr B

I think it sounds great. Now I have to convince my parents. That shouldn't be too difficult. I'll probably make a reservation soon. Thank you.

Mr A

You're welcome. I hope we'll see you at our resort soon. Bye!

Word bank
Single occupancy - room occupied by a single person
Kitchenette - small part of a room used as a kitchen
Chalets - small huts or houses, especially in holiday resorts.

Example 4

Enquiring About An Event

Write the telephone conversation between Ivy and Sharon Ann.
You should enquire about
• the time of the walk
• starting and finishing points
• age restrictions for participants
• how to register
• the distance to be covered
• prizes

Mr A

Hello, can I speak to Sharon Ann, please?

Mr B

Speaking. Can I help you?

Mr A

I just came across the advertisement about the Penang Bridge Big Walk competition. I would like to know more about it.

Mr B

First of all, what time does the Big Walk start?

Mr A

I presume you already know that the Walk is scheduled for 20 March. The time has been tentatively fixed at 8.30 a.m.

Mr B

How about the distance?

Mr A

The starting point of the walk is at Batu Ferringhi and the finishing point is the Botanical Gardens in Tanjung Bunga. That will be a distance of about 20 kilometres.

Mr B

How can interested participants register for the Big Walk?

Mr A

Participants can obtain the registration forms from the Star office at Lcbuh Light. By the way, the Star is the official sponsor for the Big Walk. Alternatively you can get the forms from all major retail outlets.

Mr B

Is there an age restriction for participants?

Mr A

The only criterion is that a participant should be above 15 years old. Apart from that, anyone who is fit is eligible to take part.

Mr B

No wonder your advertisement mentioned 'fitness buffs'. And how about the prizes?

Mr A

We have some fabulous prizes waiting to be given away to the winners. For both individual and team events, the prizes are RM1,500, RM1,000 and RM500 for first, second and third place respectively. Trophies and certificates will also be given.

Mr B

Perhaps you will be interested to know that several celebrities will grace the occasion. Among them are singing sensations Siti Norhaliza and Anuar Zen. The competition _ will be flagged off by the Chief Minister himself.

Mr A

Sounds fantastic. Thanks for your time.

Mr B

You are welcome.

Word bank
tentatively - hesitantly and without certainty
celebrities - famous people
criterion - condition or requirement
flagged off - started off by the waving of a flag
fitness buffs - people who are concerned about their health

Practical English Conversation.

Let's practice to read it loud and clear.

(Samples/English Writing)
A dialogue is literally a conversation between two people. Conversational writing in English is a useful form of writing for students trying to master spoken English. In this post, we have added the top 15 Conversation Dialogue Examples for Students...

Get pronunciations of thousands of words in British and American English from the Cambridge English Dictionary with phonetic transcriptions and audio of the words spoken by real people.To listen to the word, click on the icon for UK English or US English. Learn more about the pronunciation symbols here...

Advanced English Speaking


Late-night talk shows are a staple of American television, featuring a mix of comedy, interviews, and live performances. They typically air after the prime-time slots, providing entertainment to viewers winding down their day. These shows have become cultural touchstones with hosts that often become household names through their nightly monologues and satirical takes on current events...Read more

Here’s how some of these popular late-night talk shows rank by their average viewership numbers:

John Oliver

4.50 Millions

Stephen Colbert

3.02 Millions

Jimmy Fallon

2.44 Millions