Articles Writing

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Write Better/Essay Writing

Articles, like speeches and talks, also require opening and closing expressions.
Here are some examples:

Opening expressions:
1. This article outlines the dos and don'ts before starting a business venture.
2. This article shows the dangers of revealing too much personal information on the social networking site, Facebook.
3. For those interested in losing weight this article highlights some of the best and more realistic ways of losing weight and keeping the weight off.
4. For those who are trying to be successful but are finding it difficult, this article will be useful and inspirational.
5. Many parents are struggling to bring up their children, but the tips found in this article will encourage parents and show them alternatives as well as show them that they are not alone in this big task.

Closing expressions:
1 It is hoped that those who have plans to start a business will benefit from reading this article.
2 For those who have Facebook accounts or intend to open one, this article should help you to properly manage the information that you post online.
3 Losing weight is difficult, and keeping the weight off is an even bigger challenge. However, if you diligently follow the steps highlighted in this article, the task of managing your weight will be less challenging.
4 Therefore, if you feel like giving up, hopefully this article would have made you realize that every successful person has persevered through hard times.
5 Parents who are feeling discouraged will find peace and relief by reading this article, as well as solutions to their struggles in bringing up their children.

Articles also require titles in most cases:
1 The Dos and Don'ts in Starting Business Ventures
2 The Hidden but Real Dangers of Facebook
3 Losing Weight and Keeping It Off
4 Just When You Are About to Give Up ...
5 Parents, You are Not Alone

Articles/Example FORM 4/1
You are the Secretary of the Interact Club in your school.
The club recently made a trip to an old folks' home.
Using the short notes below, write an article of not less than 250 words for the club newsletter about what you and your members did during the visit.

• Name of old folks' home
• Date and time of visit
• Number of members and teachers who went
• The activities that were carried out
• What you learned from the trip

When writing the article, you should remember
• to give a title
• that your readers are mainly students
• to include all the points given
• to write in paragraphs

A Trip to Paradise Home
The internet Club of SMK Putra & Puteri organised a trip to and old folks’ home called Paradise Home in Ipoh on 28 June 2023.
Thirty members, accompanied by our club advisors, Mrs Sheela and Mahanum, visited Paradise home. A chartered bus took us there.
We started our journey at 8.30 a.m. and reached Paradise Home at about 9.30 a.m. When we arrived, we were ushered into the main hall by the director of the home, Puan Suria Habibi. We were then taken to the reading room where the residents were reading papers, playing games, knitting or just resting and watching television. The President of the Interact Club, Trisha, had already divided us into groups so that every one of us had a senior citizen to take care of for the day.
We talked to the residents and asked them about their families. Many cried as they confessed that their families never came to visit them. We tried to make them forget their sorrows by entertaining them. We put up two sketches, sang many old songs and danced for them. Wani, our treasurer, performed magic tricks which kept them entertained. We then distributed the biscuits, tissue paper, fruit, combs and talcum powder that we had brought along.
The Interact Club had asked Generous Hearts Caterers from Petaling Jaya to sponsor lunch for that day. They came at half-past-twelve and served a delicious lunch to the residents. After that, the residents went to their rooms for their afternoon nap.
The Interact Club members used this time to spring-clean the home. We swept and mopped the floors, washed the toilets and weeded the garden. When the residents woke up from their nap, they were touched and delighted by our gesture. We had also collected donations from our school to provide tea for them. After tea, we said our goodbyes. They asked us to visit them again. We promised them that we would return in the near future. We boarded the bus at 5.00 p.m. and were back at school at half past six.
From this trip, we learned that we should not neglect our elders. We should love them and care for them. If, due to unavoidable circumstances, senior citizens have to go to an old folks' home, then relatives should visit them regularly. It is not right to cause hurt to these people who were once young, healthy and active like we are now.
The Interact Club members felt good serving people who are less fortunate, and plan to carry out more activities like this.

Written by:
Vice President, Interact Club of SMK Putera & Putri

Articles/Example FORM 4/2
YImagine you are a foreign student studying at a local school.
Using the short notes below, write an article for your school newsletter in your home country to describe the lifestyle of the students at your present school.
• Study habit: hours, hard-working
• Eating habits: favourite type of foods, favourite eating places
• Leisure activities: indoor/outdoor, individual group
• Extra-curricular activities: societies, chubs,

When writing the article, you should remember to:
• include all the points given
• write in paragraphs

Sample Answer:
I have been studying in Malaysia for just over a year now. So far, it has been a very pleasant experience and I have now many friends among the various ethnic groups here. Malaysia is a beautiful country and the people are friendly and helpful. It is so easy to make friends here as people are obliging and very hospitable. Compared to our country, students here are much more hard-working. I suppose the culture is different. Here, great importance is placed on examinations, so students spend many long hours studying and memorising information. This is very different from home where we are encouraged to question more and to find other solutions or possibilities rather than to just memorise details. Students here are also rather shy to ask questions and hardly ever pose questions to their teachers. However, they work very hard and really make an effort to answer past-year questions and do as many workbook exercises as possible. Sometimes, I feel tired just looking at them. Although they work hard, they also play hard. Football and badminton are popular sports here. Sports, such as wall-climbing and futsal are also picking up. It is very common to see students taking part in some sort of sports activity in the evening and I think this is a good practice. At least it takes their minds off studies for a few hours. In schools, it is compulsory for each student to take part in an extra-curricular activity. I have become a member of the Drama Society in school. Extra-curricular activities are important to a student as they will be taken into account in applications to universities. Apart from this, I find that it is a good way to interact with other students of different ages and ethnic groups. I also see it as a useful way to promote racial harmony and understanding. One thing about Malaysians is that they love eating. You would be surprised to know that one can find food at any time of the day or night. The variety of food found here is amazing. In fact, I have put on many kilos in this one year. A common question when you meet someone is, "Have you eaten?" Students regularly meet at mamak shops. These are shops run by Indian Muslim proprietors and they normally operate all day long. The food found in these shops are relatively cheap and the atmosphere is informal, so students usually flock to these places. I will leave for home in about three months’ time and I am sure I will leave with a heavy heart. Malaysia has become a second home to me and I encourage students to apply to study here for a year or so to fully experience the beauty and the cultures of this country.

Articles/Example FORM 5/1
You recently attended a motivational camp organized by your school.
At the camp, an award for the best group leader was presented.
As a writer for the school magazine, you have been asked to write an article about the recipient of the award for the magazine.

What It Takes to Be a Good Leader

For those who have the ambition to be a good leader, this article will help to give you a better idea of what it takes to be one. Recently, the Teens Leadership Camp was organized by our school and we learnt a lot from it.
Leonard Leon, aged sixteen, was chosen as the best group leader in the camp. He was also the youngest member of the camp Both his parents are involved in businesses. Leonard's father is in the shipping business and his mother works from home selling leather bags online. Leonard has a younger sister who studies in the same school as him — St. John Institutions, Kuala Lumpur.
One of the criteria for the selection was the sense of responsibility the participants showed. Leonard was seen to be extremely responsible and a role model to other participants, despite being the youngest. Another reason for his selection was his constant caring attitude throughout the camp. Whenever anyone was in need of help, Leonard was usually there to lend a hand.
Next, during the camp debate, he displayed incredible debating skills and was judged the best speaker of the camp. His confident, clear and fluent speech was remarkable. All the participants liked him, and this explains his selection as the most cooperative participant of the camp.
He was very helpful. He sacrificed his comfort and sleep to help others who had problems with pitching their tents and other camp tasks. His diligence in fulfilling a task was another positive element and he was always busy doing something productive.
For being the best group leader, he received a certificate of achievement and RM500 in prize money. When he was asked what he would do with the money, he replied, 'I will ask my parents which group of people need it most and donate about RM100 towards the neediest cause. I will save the rest and maybe just spend RM50 on a treat for my family'
These are some of the qualities that one must have in order to be a good group leader. Like Leonard, every one of us can be good leaders but we must first develop positive habits and attitudes, just like Leonard.

Written by: Azman J. Singh

Articles/Example FORM 5/2
Write an ARTICLE for a consumer magazine on the topic "save on Food".
Use the notes below to help you.
Introduction: The rise in food prices. Explain why people have to avoid wasteful spending
Body: Write four paragraphs. Each paragraph should develop one main idea. For example:
Paragraph 1 - Start your own garden
Paragraph 2 - Eat at home more often
Paragraph 3 - Buy local produce
Paragraph 4 - Avoid waste in cooking and eating
You must explain and to expand on each of the above main points with supporting ideas.
Conclusion: Sum up your point of view. You might like to call for action or use a quotation to make your conclusion more persuasive.

Sample Answer
The worldwide increase in food prices is forcing consumers to change their lifestyles. "Economy Today" looks at how people are coping with the hard times ahead. It is clear that we have to be less wasteful in our spending habits. Austerity, a word hardly known to a free-spending generation, is now the keynote of many lives.
To begin with, we could start our own garden. Even the smallest patch of land can provide the vegetables you need.
In most housing estates, there is some idle land nearby. This could be transformed very quickly into an orchard producing fruits for your dinner table.
Cut down on eating out. We should eat at home more often. Encourage the children at home to be inventive in the kitchen. They may turn out surprising dishes which do not cost as much as eating out would do. Home-cooked meals could be taken to school or the workplace to reduce spending at the cafeteria. Prices in school canteens are rising too!
Buy local produce. It's always much cheaper than imported stuff. A lot of food supplies can be obtained cheap outside the market too. You have to source the right local people to find out where you can buy cheaper fish, meat and vegetables. In this way we can help bring prices down.
Avoid waste in cooking and eating. Cook in the right amounts for your family's needs. Otherwise, do planned cooking in larger amounts where you can use the food for several meals.
Study your family members' eating preferences so that they do not reject meals which are too often the same or lacking in variety. As for eating, please do not overload your plate and up waiting a lot of it.
People can make a difference. We can survive this food crisis if we show self-discipline and the readiness to adapt to changing circumstances. The food crisis may be a blessing in disguise!

Written by: Azman J. Singh

Articles/Example FORM 5/3
You have been invited by your school magazine committee to write an article on the importance of exercise.
In your articles, include the following:
Benefit of exercise
Types of exercise
Exercise gear needed

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is important in order to have a long, healthy life. Exercise or physical activity is an essential part of a balanced and healthy lifestyle.
The benefits of exercise are numerous. Physical activity improves our heart condition and tones our diaphragm to enable them to function efficiently. Good blood circulation prevents clotting in the veins which can occur if we remain inactive for too long. It is a known fact that clotting may cause blockage which may result in premature death. Exercise also improves our digestion and bowel movement and keeps our body healthy. For those of us who are overweight, exercise helps in weight loss as it uses up calories which would otherwise be stored in our body as fat. Exercise also tones our muscles and keeps our body trim and fit. Besides, it relaxes our mind and body, and helps us unwind after a hard day's work. We also sleep better after a good exercise session. The types of exercise we can do include brisk walking, jogging, swimming or cycling. Other options are indoor and outdoor games and sports like badminton and tennis. We can also do aerobics at home or workout at a gymnasium.
During exercise, it is important that we wear appropriate clothes to allow for easy movement as well as to prevent injury. Exercise gear should suit our size and shape, and allow for stretching. What items of clothing we wear depends on the type of activity and whether we do it indoors outdoors. Even the shoes we wear should be appropriate with the activity we engage in. For instance, walking shoes are meant for walking and wearing them for jogging may result in injury to our heels. We should choose shoes that fit both feet well.
When we are physically active, our body gets warm and perspires, and this helps to keep our skin healthy. If we do not replace the fluid lost from our body, we will become dehydrated. It is, therefore, important that we drink before, during and after exercise.
We should all learn to keep exercise at the top of our priorities if we intend to live a healthy and perhaps longer life. We could start by doing at least twenty minutes of physical activity three days a week before proceeding to workout on a daily basis.

Written by: Azman J. Singh

Additional articles

Example 1
Write an article on the advantages and disadvantages of watching television.
In your article, include the following:
. Gain knowledge
. Easy and cheap source of entertainment
. May cause health hazards
. Telekvision programmes may become an addiction

When writing the article, you must:
- give a title to your article
- develop all the points given
For your article, you will receive up to 15 marks for the format and content points and up to 20 marks for the quality of your writing.

Model Answer
The Advantages and Disadvantages of Watching Television.
Television is one of the most commonly found electrical items in any household. It has become an indispensable device in the life of virtually every human being. However, watching television has its advantages and disadvantages.
On the plus side, you can learn new knowledge from different television programmes. For example, you can gain knowledge about the ecosystem in the nature or the characteristics of the animals by watching nature programmes or discovery programmes. Do-it-yourself shows give us easy access to all kinds of information. Cooking channels offer new recipes and methods. Home improvement shows introduce money-saving DIY tips, and financial advisers give advice for managing finances and investing money. Television can also be a good way to help people learn a different language. Thus, the knowledge that we can gain from television programmes is extensive.
A further advantage is that television has become an entertainment hub for everyone in the world. It is an easy and cheap source of entertainment. After a tiring day at school or at work, watching television programmes helps to keep stress at bay. In addition, you can spend time with your family members and friends by watching television programmes together. Gathering around the television gives families and friends something to bond over. Therefore, relationship between friends and family members will improve.
However, for every plus there is a minus. For one thing, spending too much time watching television programmes may cause health hazards. People who slouch on sofa watching television over long hours can develop short-sightedness. Prolonged viewing may be the reason why opticians are laughing their way to the bank. Some people are so glued to the box that they are reluctant to engage in any physical activity. Therefore, the television has a negative impact on a person's life as it makes one lead to an inactive lifestyle.
Other than that, television programmes may become an addiction to the young as some youngsters become too obsessed with the shows. For the students, this addiction may result in a plunge in their academic performance because they are so engrossed in the programmes that they are unable to concentrate in their studies. The programmes may also contain too much violence causing the young viewers to mistakenly think that violence is a means to solve problems. Many are also unable to differentiate between reality and illusion.
Taking everything into account, watching television programmes has its advantages and disadvantages. Viewers should be able to distinguish between the two. They should exercise control on themselves and sieve the good from the bad.

Example 2
You find that technology plays a huge role in communication today.
Write an article on the impact of computer technology on communication.

Using the information below, write your article.
Positive Impacts:
• Improve communication
• Promote business opportunities
Negative Impacts:
• Increasing number of cybercrimes
• Reduce real life communication

When writing the article, you must:
- give a suitable title
- develop all the information given

For your article, you will receive up to 15 marks for the format and content points and up to 20 marks for the quality of your writing.

The Impact of Computer Technology on Communication.
Technology has brought benefits as well as problems to humankind. Of all the new technological wonders in the world, the technology that has the greatest influence on mankind is probably the personal computer. Computer has revolutionized the way we communicate in all aspects of our lives.
On the plus side, computer technology has expanded the way we communicate with the world. A person in remote village in Asia, thanks to technology can now communicate with his estranged son in Europe. Through computers, businessmen can now conduct meetings with people in other parts of the world. Doctors from different parts of the world can now convene to solve a medical problem encountered by a patient. Computer users can get together online to discuss their interests and problems wit other who share the same interests.
Besides improving communication, computers have revolutionized how business is carried out. With a click of a button, one can now sell or buy things. It has made it possible for people from different walks of life to operate their business from home. It has given people more flexibility and mobility without having to move from their work table/ computer has made communication and doing business more convenient.
However, communication via computer has its problems. Although computer technology has indeed increased business opportunity extensively, it has also created massive problems. With online communication, comes cybercrimes. Computer hackers use their expertise to infiltrate into people's bank accounts to transfer money out of customers' accounts into their own. Billions of dollars are lost every year worldwide to repair systems hit by virus, the most recent being Ransomware. This is a malware that attacks hospitals, schools, state and local government as well as large business by locking valuable digital files and demanding a ransom to release them.
Another obvious problem is that communication via the computer has reduced real life communication. People sometimes just send an email or a text messages instead of meeting up over a cup of coffee. Face-to-face interaction in businesses too has become a thing of the past. Customers are reduced to just numbers and codes. Social interaction is substantially reduced. Knowing your customers well is a thing of the past as one may not know who the customer really is. The revolution in communication brought about by computers certainly has its drawback.
It is certainly undeniable that computer has made an impact on communication. It has without doubt made our lives easier. It has made communication faster and eases business dealings. It has greatly improved our access to information but this is done at a cost.