Descriptive Essay

A descriptive essay, as the name implies, is a form of essay that describes something. In this genre, students are assigned the task of describing objects, things, places, experiences, persons, and situations.
The students use sensory information to enable readers to use their five senses of touch, taste, smell, hearing, and sight to understand the topic of the essay.

Qualities of a Descriptive Essay
Clear and Concise
Use of Images
Use of Five Senses
As far as clear and concise language is concerned, it is necessary to describe things precisely.
Imagery is used to make things seem real and remarkable.
The use of the five senses creates the imagery, or a mental picture, for each reader.

Example FORM 4/1
Write a composition of about 350 words on the following topic:
A disable person who has had a positive influence on my life

It was a calm evening. I looked across the sea, enjoying the sight of the white rippling waves crashing against the shore. Seated on the wooden bench, I sighed loudly as I thought of the worries that were sitting so heavily on my shoulders.
"What is your problem? Do you want to talk about it?" A stranger's voice which came from my left startled me. I looked at the man sitting on the other end of the bench. I was not aware that he had come and sat there. I looked closely at him The right half of his face was badly disfigured because of burns. He appeared to be about 60 years old and had a thin, oval face and calm, wise eyes. His right hand dangled uselessly at his side. His deformity aside, I could see kindness and understanding in his expression. I hesitated for a moment and then replied bitterly, "My father hates me."
"Hmm ... your father must be scolding you all the time, right?" the stranger said quietly. "He wants you to get better marks in your exam and stop meeting those boys who are school dropouts," the stranger said, and I looked at him in shock.
"Yeah, he was angry about my bad grades. I know that I have been a bit naughty, playing truant with those boys in my school. The form teacher called my father and complained to him. My dad was furious. He told me that he was going to deprive me of the motorbike he had given me until I get better grades. He doesn't love me anymore." I started crying as I spoke.
He was silent for a while and let me cry. After a few minutes, he started talking. "Let me tell you a story. I had a son like you, who was rebellious. I tried to advise him but he refused to listen. He had always felt that I did not love him. One day, he brought his friends to play firecrackers in my house. I told him that it was dangerous but he continued playing. I went out for a short while and during that time, they let off some homemade firecrackers which exploded in the house. The whole house caught fire and my son was trapped in it. His friends managed to rush out of the house but he was left inside, screaming for help. I rushed into the house and managed to push him out of the house. I was glad he was safe," the stranger said.
"What about you? What happened?" I asked curiously.
He said, "A heavy beam fell on me and I was trapped there. The neighbours came and put out the fire with pails of water. When they found me, they thought that I was dead. But I loved my son and didn't want to die until I had seen him through his education and had made sure he had a successful future.”
"You were ready to sacrifice yourself for your son? You must really love your son," I said to him in wonder. "So does every father in this world," he replied.
"They want their children to achieve excellent results and have a bright future. Your father does not know how to advise you anymore. But don't ever say that he hates you."
"I think you are right. He has never scolded me before. It was only after I started mixing with those bad hats and getting low grades that he started to scold me I think that I should thank you for showing me the right path. I will go and apologise to him and promise him I will be good," I said.
"Go and make your father happy. And remember, I will be here every day around this time. Come and talk to me if you have any problems," the stranger said.
"I don't even know your name," I exclaimed in embarrassment.
"Nathan. Call me Uncle Nat, that is what everyone here calls me," he answered.
And that was how Uncle Nat began to play an important part in my life. He was always there, rain or shine, on that bench by the sea. He would listen to my problems and advise me. I faced many trials and tribulations in my life but all those became small challenges after I talked to Uncle Nat. Today, I am a successful professional, and I have two men to thank for my success — my father and Uncle Nat.


Example FORM 4/2
Write a composition of about 350 words on the following topic:
E-shopping will one day take over the conventional method of shopping. Do you agree?

With the introduction of the Internet, the world has become a smaller place. Buying and selling items through the Internet can be done in seconds. At the click of the mouse and in the blink of an eye, billions of dollars are exchanged via banks, from country to country, across the oceans. In the face of such excitement, one wonders whether the conventional method of shopping will continue to exist for long.
I feel that although e-shopping is slowly becoming popular, it cannot take over the conventional method of shopping. Firstly, human beings are complex creatures. It is very difficult to satisfy them. They need to look at products, and feel and try them before they decide to buy. They will go from one shop to another to compare prices, and ask for opinions before they finally decide on a product to buy. This cannot be done through e-shopping. When the goods are delivered, you have to accept them whether you like them or not.
E-shopping does not allow for easy refunds and repairs. When you look at a product on the Internet, you will not know how efficiently it will function. If you discover it does not work when you receive it, you will have to go through a tedious process to return it. If you buy the product from a shop, it will be easier for you to have it repaired or replaced or to get a refund.
Furthermore, when you e-shop, you do not know how reliable your seller is. You do not know where he works, what he looks like, whether he can be trusted or whether such a company really exists.
The conventional method of shopping does not give room for such doubts. The seller is there in person to persuade you to buy a product and to stand guarantee for the quality of the product. E-shopping also encourages credit card fraud. Since you normally have to pay through credit cards, unscrupulous people can hack into the website, get access to your account number and use your credit card. You also run the risk of not getting your product even after paying for it.
The traditional method of shopping allows families to get together for an outing and enjoy a meal later on. It encourages family unity and family harmony. E-shopping, on the other hand, can be a lonely affair. The shopper has to sit in front of a silent tube and wait for the products to flash on the screen. In conclusion, I believe that e-shopping will not replace the traditional method of shopping. .


Example FORM 4/3
Write a composition of about 350 words on any three of the following aspects of Malaysian lifestyle and customs.

Sample Answer
We all know that we have to eat to survive but how many of us are careful with what we eat? Many of the food or drinks that we consume have no nutritional value but bring harm to our bodies instead. At the same time, there is some misunderstanding about a balanced diet. It is not just about eating a variety of food but eating the right food that supplies our body with a balanced variety of nutrients. Using the food pyramid as a guide is a good way to ensure that we are eating a balanced diet.
According to the pyramid, a diet that is rich in fruit and vegetables, moderate in protein and low in fats is the best. Fruit and vegetables are packed with vitamins and minerals, the vital nutrients for good health. They are also a great provider of dietary fibre and the main source of antioxidants, which protect our body against cancer and coronary heart diseases. Vitamin supplements cannot replace the combating effects of natural vitamins and minerals found in fruit and vegetables.
Protein is essential for growth and repair of body tissues. A diet short of protein will lead to muscular waste or a breakdown of muscles in the body. However, excess protein

Example FORM 5/1
Write a composition of about 350 words on the following topic:

"The Global Food Crisis"

In this composition, I wish to discuss the causes and effects of the global food crisis. I shall also consider what can be done to meet the challenge of this crisis. The global food crisis is fast moving to a critical stage. Unless something is done, there will be food riots and protests in many countries. Mass hunger and starvation may occur in many poor countries. Millions may die. Countries without food may go to war against others. One theory is that there is enough food to feed the world. But the food is not being distributed fairly. Corruption, hoarding and civil war are making if difficult for food to reach the poor. If this is the truth, there is hope for mankind because we can all campaign for a fairer distribution of food for all.
However, there is a different view as well. There is an acute shortage of food supplies because of overpopulation and the economic boom in China and India. Millions of rural farmers have given up farming to take up jobs an factories. Food production has fallen but there is a greater demand for food. This has caused prices to soar. Another factor is the growth of the meat industry especially the beef industry. Grains are being channelled to feed and fatten farm animals in order to obtain meat for export. This is again raising the price of grain. In additional to this, the growing use of corn and soya bean to feed the biofuel industry has sky-rocketed food prices.
What is to be done? We have to take short-term and long-term measures. The short-term measures are mainly lifestyle changes. We have to be more austere in our lifestyle. People in the middle and lower income group may have to eat at home and cut down on going out for meals. Some people may choose to reduce meat in their diets. We may need to cut down on luxuries such as cigarettes, drinking and on annual holidays.
The long-term measures should be aimed at raising food production in the poor countries. We have to improve agricultural research in every way. Better seeds and fertilisers are needed to increase yield. We can also increase food production through aquaculture and rearing livestock. Agricultural training is therefore very important in poor countries. We also need to improve irrigation in dry areas.
Our future depends on the ready supply of food. We cannot afford to neglect this problem because it affects the future of mankind. Hunger and starvation for millions means war and death are near at hand!

Example FORM 5/2
Write a composition of about 350 words on the following topic:

"The Effect of Human Activity on the Environment"

Writing Tips:
You may write on :
1. The effect of land clearing for agriculture, housing and industry.
2.The effects of pollution on the environment
3. The effect of wars

Human beings, more than any other living organisism earth, have brought about tremendous change to the environment. As the human population grows, more forests are cleared to make way for houses and factories. As a result, many species of flora and fauna are lost.
Land is also required for agriculture to produce enough food for the increasing population, This clearing of land has resulted in the siltation of rivers. This happens when rain falls and washes loose soil into rivers. Rivers then become choked with this loose soil. The siltation of the rivers in turn leads to flash floods in low-lying areas.
The loss of forests has also resulted in increased temperatures and a decline in rainfall. When trees are cut, the carbon cycle is disturbed, resulting in an increase in the amount of carbon dioxide in the air. This increased level of carbon dioxide leads to global warming. This is why many areas in the world have now reported higher temperatures. Here in Malaysia, it has been noted that temperatures in Cameron Highlands and Genting Highlands have increased and these hill resorts are no longer as cool as they used to be. Global warming has led to fear of the polar caps melting. If this happens, massive Iflooding will take place. Many low-lying countries will be submerged.
The increased amount of industrial activity has led to increased air, water and land pollution. Factories belch Poisonous gasses into the environment and in the event of rain, such chemicals are washed into the water tables and into rivers. The increase in population has also led to growing mountains of urban solid waste in municipal waste dumps the world over.
The environment has also suffered greatly from unrest in various parts of the world. Improved warfare has led to the total devastation of large areas of land. During the Iran-Iraq war in the 1990s, oil wells were burnt, causing thick clouds of smoke to form and choke the air. Today, with the use of nuclear warheads, the environment is further threatened by radiation.
We have done great harm to Mother Earth. It is time we become more responsible towards our environment.

Example FORM 5/3
Write a composition of about 350 words on the following topic:

"The Lure of Advertising"

Writing Tips:
You may write on :
1. What is advertising is and how it works.
2. Purposes of advertising
3. Types of advertisements
3. Advice to consumers

Advertising is a lucrative business. It is public promotion and deals with the publicising of a new product, service or idea. The main purpose of advertising is to persuade consumers to purchase a product or service, while providing information about it at the same time. Another purpose is, of course, to promote the new product or service in order to boost sales. In short, advertising creates demand for a product.
Advertising is mainly carried out through print and electronic media. Print media range from brochures and posters to billboards, magazines and newspapers. Electronic advertising, on the other hand, includes radio, television and the Internet. It often employs the use of catchy jingles and tunes to persuade, attract and tempt the consumers.
Advertising preys on our vanity. We all desire to be admired and accepted, whether socially, physically, intellectually or professionally. We desire prestige and status, and think we can achieve it simply by using a product carrying a renowned brand like Calvin Klein or Versace. Advertisements have the power to influence our thoughts and emotions, and lure us into buying a product or service we may have no need for. They are successful because we, consumers, are gullible and vulnerable to the sales gimmicks and strategies used by marketers. We succumb easily to irresistible offers like 'Buy one, get one free and "Free gifts". Consequently, we end up purchasing a product or service.
Advertisements work because they usually present misleading and untruthful information to create a sense of desire for the product in a consumer. Ultimately, we have the right to choose what we do or do not want. As businesses become increasingly competitive, advertisements will become more aggressive by the day. We, therefore, need to be rational and exercise our rights as consumers and not let marketers take control of our lives through advertising.

Example FORM 5/4
Write a composition of about 350 words on the following topic:

"The Importance of eating a Balanced Diet"

Writing Tips:
You may write on:
1. You may look at the food pyramid to see what a balanced diet should consist of.

We all know that we have to eat to survive but how many of us are careful with what we eat? Many of the food or drinks that we consume have no nutritional value but bring harm to our bodies instead. At the same time, there is some misunderstanding about a balanced diet. It is not just about eating a variety of food but eating the right food that supplies our body with a balanced variety of nutrients. Using the food pyramid as a guide is a good way to ensure that we are eating a balanced diet.
According to the pyramid, a diet that is rich in fruit and vegetables, moderate in protein and low in fats is the best. Fruit and vegetables are packed with vitamins and minerals, the vital nutrients for good health. They are also a great provider of dietary fibre and the main source of antioxidants, which protect our body against cancer and coronary heart diseases. Vitamin supplements cannot replace the combating effects of natural vitamins and minerals found in fruit and vegetables.
Protein is essential for growth and repair of body tissues. A diet short of protein will lead to muscular waste or a breakdown of muscles in the body. However, excess protein in the diet is not good either. If the body is inefficient in disposing it, broken down protein in the form of uric acid will accumulate in the joints, leading to gout.
Carbohydrates found in starchy food such as rice and potatoes supply the body with energy and are the body's fuel. The bulk of a balanced diet should be made of carbohydrates. However, when eaten in excess, carbohydrates are converted and stored in the body as fats. Hence, eating in moderation is again the key to a healthy body.
Fats are a rich source of energy in the diet. They have essential roles to play in the well-being of our body. However, they are needed in smaller quantities compared to other nutrients for an efficient working body. A deficiency in fatty acids may result in stunted growth in children or the-slow healing of wounds, hair loss and scaly skin. On the other hand, a high intake of fat in the diet and a lack of exercise will lead to obesity.
A diet that is restricted or imbalanced will deprive the body of essential nutrients and may open the door to a host of medical problems and diseases. Hence, it is good practice to be conscious of what we eat and to monitor the intake.

Example FORM 5/5
Write a composition of about 350 words on the following topic:

"The Pros and Cons of Getting an Overseas Education"

In today's challenging society which demands meritocracy, securing a good education seems to be the top priority of parents and students. In their search for a good education, many have opted for foreign universities. Though foreign education may seem to be the preferred choice for those who can afford it, it is not without its pros and cons.
One of the advantages of studying overseas is that it helps to broaden our horizon. When we are in a foreign land, we meet people from diverse cultures and societies. This will expose us to the different ways in which other people think and live. As a result, we broaden our minds and learn tolerance and respect.
Being on our own also means that we have to be independent. We have to be responsible for our own actions and learn to cope with problems on our own. In other words, being away from home makes us grow up quicker and teaches us to assume adult responsibilities faster such as, managing our time well. These responsibilities help to shapel our character, making it the most important aspect of studying away from home.
However, studying overseas has its pitfalls too. For one, the cost is very much higher compared to our local institutions where the fees are heavily subsidised. Therefore, not many parents can afford to send their children overseas. Those who can afford it have to make many sacrifices to see their children through tertiary education.
There is the fear of losing one's identity and culture when one is overseas for a long time. There have been cases of students who end up forgetting their roots after spending a few years overseas, and they have difficulty integrating into Malaysian society. There is also the possibility of students going wayward as their parents are not there to keep an eye on them.
Making the decision to study overseas is, therefore, not an easy one. Some people can become independent and responsible, while others may fail to achieve what they have set out to do. These are important factors to weigh before making a final decision to study overseas.

Example FORM 5/6
Write a composition of about 350 words on the following topic:

"Curbing Child Abuse"

Child abuse is not only about causing physical injury. It can take other forms too. For instance, leaving young children alone at home without any adult supervision and subjecting them to starvation or endless scolding are other examples of child abuse.
However, the most common form of abuse involves subjecting children to physical pain. A number of child abuse cases reported in the country were committed by people who had been entrusted to look after the child. Child minders and parents of the child are the common culprits of this horrible act.
There is not one conclusive reason for adults to inflict pain on the young and helpless. However, financial and marital problems may be at the top of the list for reasons of abuse. The loss of a job or the worry about escalating debts may result in adults letting out their frustration on children. The pressures of life may also be a contributing factor to the escalating number of abuse cases. There are also adults who think that caning is the only way to discipline a child, but sometimes they do not realise that the force they use can injure the child. Although some children are free from physical abuse, verbal and emotional abuse can leave a psychological scar on their lives. After being subjected to repeated scoldings and hurtful remarks, these children may grow up withdrawn, nervous, submissive and later become introverts who have low self-esteem and confidence.
Hence, public awareness needs to be raised concerning the consequences of abuse on children. Every individual in society should play a role in curbing this social ill. Neighbours should not turn a blind eye to any case of child abuse, but instead, they should make reports to the police so that the offender can be booked and charged. Abusers need to be punished and sent for counselling to make them realise that their beastly act is unacceptable. Violence and cruelty should not be a way of life. Every child has the right to live a happy life. With co-operation from the public, children will get to enjoy what they rightly deserve.

Example FORM 5/7
Write a composition of about 350 words on the following topic:

"The Danger of Smoking"

Everyone knows smoking is bad for health. Yet why do people smoke? The reason is that a person gets addicted because of the additives and chemicals like nicotine added to the tobacco during manufacturing. This is done to improve the flavour and increase the rush of nicotine when the cigarette is lit. Most people are unaware of the harmful additives and chemicals in cigarettes.
Smoking endangers health and life. Findings have shown that cigarettes kill about half of all regular long-term smokers. Most die prematurely from smoking-related causes like lung cancer. Smoking also shortens a person's life span by five to ten years according to reports. Smoking not only endangers the smoker himself but also the people around him. Repeated exposure to secondhand smoke can increase a person's risk of cancer. Studies show that secondhand smoke stimulates tumour growth. It also increases a person's risk of death from cardiovascular diseases and asthma. It has also been linked to respiratory problems, including pneumonia and weak lungs in children.
Smoking among teenagers in Malaysia is a cause for concern. In June 2001, the Malaysian Health Ministry disclosed that fifty teenagers each day were lighting up their first cigarette. This can be seen in students smoking in public places and even on school premises. There is, thus, a need for anti-smoking campaigns in schools. These campaigns must be aggressive to raise teenagers' awareness of the hazards of smoking and educate them not to underestimate the risks and overestimate the ease of quitting. Teenagers must be informed of the harmful additives in cigarettes. Most of all, these campaigns must focus on preventing teenagers from picking up the smoking habit in the first place.
There are ways to kick the smoking habit such as sucking on a candy, taking a cold shower or exercising when one feels the urge to smoke. Still, experts agree that the most effective way is to go 'cold turkey'. This is to simply quit on a chosen day. Having a healthy and long life can be one's choice and decision. Therefore, choose wisely — choose not to smoke.

Example FORM 5/8
Write a composition of about 350 words on the following topic:

"The Danger of Smoking"

Everyone knows smoking is bad for health. Yet why do people smoke? The reason is that a person gets addicted because of the additives and chemicals like nicotine added to the tobacco during manufacturing. This is done to improve the flavour and increase the rush of nicotine when the cigarette is lit. Most people are unaware of the harmful additives and chemicals in cigarettes.
Smoking endangers health and life. Findings have shown that cigarettes kill about half of all regular long-term smokers. Most die prematurely from smoking-related causes like lung cancer. Smoking also shortens a person's life span by five to ten years according to reports. Smoking not only endangers the smoker himself but also the people around him. Repeated exposure to secondhand smoke can increase a person's risk of cancer. Studies show that secondhand smoke stimulates tumour growth. It also increases a person's risk of death from cardiovascular diseases and asthma. It has also been linked to respiratory problems, including pneumonia and weak lungs in children.
Smoking among teenagers in Malaysia is a cause for concern. In June 2001, the Malaysian Health Ministry disclosed that fifty teenagers each day were lighting up their first cigarette. This can be seen in students smoking in public places and even on school premises. There is, thus, a need for anti-smoking campaigns in schools. These campaigns must be aggressive to raise teenagers' awareness of the hazards of smoking and educate them not to underestimate the risks and overestimate the ease of quitting. Teenagers must be informed of the harmful additives in cigarettes. Most of all, these campaigns must focus on preventing teenagers from picking up the smoking habit in the first place.
There are ways to kick the smoking habit such as sucking on a candy, taking a cold shower or exercising when one feels the urge to smoke. Still, experts agree that the most effective way is to go 'cold turkey'. This is to simply quit on a chosen day. Having a healthy and long life can be one's choice and decision. Therefore, choose wisely — choose not to smoke.

Example FORM 5/9
Write a composition of about 350 words on the following topic:

"The Importance of Technology"

How important is technology in our lives? Take a moment to look around you. We are surrounded by technology. It does not matter what time of day or where we are, almost everything we touch or use is created by technology.
In the last 100 years, there has been tremendous technological changes. In communications, for instance, we have moved from the humble telephone to using the Internet for global communication. If the telephones of the early twentieth century only allowed two persons to use the device at any onetime, by the end of that century, video conferencing had enabled people from different corners of the world to hear and see each other in real time as long as they are connected. Businessmen, politicians, governments, families or just anybody can benefit from this technology.
If scholars in the earlier part of the last century had to go through shelves in libraries and browse through tonnes of books to get information, today's scholars need not leave the comforts of their rooms to source for materials. By just typing in keywords on a reliable search engine followed by a click of the mouse, they will get tonnes of materials related to the topic of their search. The Internet has brought knowledge to our doorstep. Now, millions of students around the world can carry out their research electronically without leaving their homes.
Just like in other fields, the business world has also benefited from advancement in technology. The clicking sounds of the abacus are now replaced by the soft taps of the cash registers as purchases are totalled up efficiently and accurately. Similarly, storekeepers no longer have to keep stock using thick books. When the bar code on a package is scanned at the checkout counter, the sale is automatically registered and recorded in the company's sales records, enabling the storekeeper to keep tabs on his stock. Likewise, if a customer needs to check the price of a product in a large and busy supermarket, he only needs to take it to a special scanner to have the bar code scanned. The price of the product and other information like the weight and the shelf- life of the product will be displayed on the screen immediately.
The medical field has benefited much from technology. The CAT scan and the PET scan have enabled doctors to look inside the human body to locate tumours or signs of unusual growths. Similarly, the ultrasound has allowed gynaecologists to identify the gender of unborn babies in pregnant mothers. The ultrasound is also able to pick up certain abnormalities in foetuses. This information will help parents and doctors decide on the next course of action. Technology in medical science has also helped change the lives of millions of people around the world. People suffering from renal failure can have their life prolonged through dialysis machines, patients with breathing difficulties are kept alive with respirators while premature babies are given a better chance of survival in incubators. The benefits of technology in medical science are indeed enormous.
Countless great advances that we enjoy today have been based on concepts of engineering, biology, physics and chemistry that were 'discovered hundreds or even thousands of years ago. These 'gifts' have given us the comforts and conveniences that we enjoy today without which life would be very different.

Additional guides

Example 1
Interesting Characters

Describe two or three interesting characters in your class.
Composition Outline
Introduction: class known for us notoriety
2 Two mischievous charactors - Michael - chatterbox, habit of frightening girls
3 Another character—Luqman—mimics teachers
4 Class has characters of distinction—Syuhada—intelligent
5 Conclusion: without these characters, class would not be the same

Most teachers in my school dread coming to my class. Mrs Rajamani, our class teacher, considers our class the most notorious for pranks and jokes that she has ever come across in her twenty-two years of teaching. She jokes that our class is like an albatross around her neck.
My class got its reputation because of the antics of two hyperactive, mischievous students. Most teachers come to our class bracing for, trouble from the infamous two, and no lesson goes on without some interruption from these two pranksters.
Topping the list is Michael, who is an incorrigible chatterbox. A boy who looks too small for his age, Michael has broken almost every rule at school. Despite repeated warnings and threats of suspension and expulsion, Michael has yet to turn over a new leaf. He is always in the habit of throwing live cockroaches and spiders at girls, who would then scream in terror.
The other mischievous brat is Luqman, whose favourite pastime is mimicking the teachers. When it comes to playing tricks, they are both hand in glove with each other. So, whenever they get together, we know they are up to some mischief.
However, my class is not without any distinction. Syuhada scored straight A's in both the UPSR and PT3 examinations. A petite girl with thick glasses and an equally thick fringe, she has been nicknamed Syuhadapedia' because she. has all the answers and facts at her fingertips. She is a real bookworm and is the pet of most of the teachers. The pranks of Michael and Luqman often incur her wrath. She is driven to her wit's end trying to instil some discipline in them.
These are three of the interesting characters in my class. Without them, my class just would not be the same. I am glad I am in this class. Although we are an incorrigible lot and can be quite exasperating at times, we have lots of fun. Just as the saying goes, 'it takes all sorts to make a world', our class would not be half as lively and enjoyable if not for these interesting characters.

Word bank:
notorious - well known for something bad
turn over a new leaf - change to become a better person
an albatross her neck -something that causes problems for a person and prevents her from succeeding
hand in glove - closely involved with a person for a bad intention
wit's end - unable to succeed even after many attempts
infamous - well known for being bad
it takes all sorts to make a world - the world is made up of different sorts of people, good and bad
pranksters - people who play tricks on others to make them look silly
incorrigible - having bad habits Mrs which cannot be US changed

Example 2
How I Spend My Weekends

Describe what you normally do during weekends
Composition Outline:
1. Introduction: I always look forward to weekends as I can do the things I like.
2. Wake ap late. Have a good breakfast and read the newspaper.
3. On Fridays, go out with friends. Hang out at an Internet cafe, see a film, have lunch.
4. Watch television before going to bed.
5. Saturday — family goes out for lunch. Evening play tennis with father.
6. Conclusion: go to bed early on Saturday. Always look forward to the following weekend.
be the same

I live in the state of Johor, and here the weekends fall on Friday and Saturday. After five days of homework, assignments and co-curricular activities, it is great to take some time off to relax and unwind during the weekends. I always look forward to my weekends, when I can do the things I like.
I wake up late during the weekends. I spend a few minutes lazing in bed as there is no need to scramble for the only bathroom. As the smell of Mother's nasi lemak wafts into my room, I hop out of bed. After a leisurely breakfast, I spend some time poring over the newspaper. By eleven o'clock, I am normally on my way to meet my friends. I usually do not have lunch at home on Fridays as I go out with my friends.
My friends and I usually meet at a shopping mall and paint the town red. After hanging out at an Internet cafe and doing some window shopping, we have lunch at one of the many fast food outlets. Going for a film is next on the list. By the time the film ends, it is late in the evening. After finalising our plans for the following Friday, we part ways and head off in different directions. The rest of Friday is spent watching television and catching up with my reading.
Saturdays are always a family affair. Dad takes time off from his busy schedule just to spend quality time with us. He often treats the family to lunch at one of the leading hotels or restaurants. The rest of the afternoon is spent watching a video or a television programme. In the evening, my younger brother and I join my father for a game of tennis, while Mum and the girls do a little bit of gardening. On the way home, we always buy dinner as Saturday is the one day in the week when Mum gets a respite from cooking.
I go to bed rather early on Saturdays after getting everything prepared for school the next day. Then, as soon as another week starts, I look forward to the next weekend.

Word bank
Scramble - rush
hanging out - spending a lot of time at a particular place with a group of people
poring over - studying something very carefully
leading - best, well known
paint the town red -have an enjoyable time
respite - a period of rest from doing something difficult

Example 3
The Most Unforgettable Character

It is not very often that we come across interesting characters.
Describe your most unforgettable character.

Composition Outline:
1. Introduction: Grandma shares joys and sorrows; is i he family matiarch
2. Herv age and her appearance
3. She is a workaholic mid loves gardening
4. A woman with determination
5. Obsessed with health
6. Likes to make friends
7. Conclusion: we will remember her even when she is not around

Some of my earliest and best memories of growing up are of my grandmother, or `Nek' as she is affectionately called. She has influenced our lives in so many ways that it is difficult to imagine life without her. She has always been there to share our triumphant and victorious moments, and when we had our share of disappointments and frustrations, she was there with her kind words of comfort.
Nek is both loving and lovable, although she has her eccentricities and can be quite exasperating at times. She is very much the matriarch of the family and takes charge of all our family concerns—from paying all our bills to deciding on the menu for our meals.
Nek is a septuagenarian, although she does not look a day over 65. She is able to shed all those extra years thanks to her Elle Lavender eye make-up kit. Although frugal in her spending, Nek does not mind indulging in a few luxuries, such as make-up and expensive clothes. It is her belief that 'fine feathers make fine birds'.
Nek is very much a workaholic. She is so full of life and her energy knows no bounds. You will always find her busy with a broom or a mop in her hand, or she may be occupied tending to her roses or orchids as she has green fingers.
A woman of fortitude, it is her belief that only the strongest and Describe who; fittest survive in this world. There is no place in it for moaners and weepers. Some ten years ago, Nek was confined to a wheelchair after a road accident. Her sheer will to live and not be a burden to her son got her back on her feet again in a matter of months.
Her preoccupation with health is a recurring source of annoyance for Dad, whose belly is often the subject of her close scrutiny and ridicule. She is confident that Dad will soon have his pot belly mentioned in The Guinness Book of Records.
Nek makes it a point to know anybody and everybody—from the man in the street to the lawyer who lives a few doors away. The astronomical monthly phone bills are evidence of her gregariousness and her ever-widening circle of friends.
Although as lively as a cricket, we know that she is in her twilight years. There will come a time when she will have to leave us, but until then, Nek will always be our friend and confidant.

Word bank:
Eccentricities - unusual or peculiar habits
Green fingers - skilled at gardening
Fortitude - courage
Exasperating - annoying
Preoccupation - continuously thinking about something thorough examination
Matriarch - woman who is the head of the family
Scrutiny - thorough examination
Septuagenarian - between 70 and 79 years of age
Astronomical - very high
Frugal - careful and thrifty
Gregariousness - friendly and sociable
Fine feathers make fine birds - people appear attractive when they are well dressed
As lively as a cricket - active and energetic
Twilight years - final years of one's life
Confidant - a person whom we trust and share secrets with
Workaholic - a person who works continuously share secrets with

Example 4
A Place of Interest In My State

Write a letter to a penfriend describing an interestt place in your state.

Composition Outline:
1. In troduction: Pulau Langkawi - location and how to get there. 2. Visilor: first impressions
3. Description of:
- beaches
- town
- facilities
- scenic spots
4. What nature lovers can do there
5. Conclusion: what category of holidaymakers go there and their reason for going there


16, Taman Ria 1,
Jalan 10/1E,
08000 Sungai Petani,
Kedah, Malaysia.

20 June, 201X.

Dear Richard,
I just received your letter.You wanted to know about a place of in my state. Let me tell you about Pulau Langkawi. It is indeed a p Situated in the north-western part of Peninsular Malaysia, Langkawi Islands are made up of 104 islands in total. Langkawi is the main island from which the cluster of islands its name. Known as 'The Enchanted Islands', these islan undoubtedly an idyllic retreat for any vacationer. Pulau Langkawi can be reached by ferry from Kuala Per Kuala Kedah. Accommodation is abundant, ranging from hotels and chalets to luxury hotels. The tempo of life is leisurely and unhurried and the people hospitable and friendly. These would be the visitor's first impr of this island paradise. Visitors can savour hours of peace tranquillity on the white sandy beaches lined with swaying co trees. These beaches offer watersport facilities such as winds snorkelling and scuba-diving for the adventurous and young at h Kuah, the main town in Langkawi, is a quaint little place wt number of shops selling handicrafts, clothes, electrical applian duty-free goods and many other things. The numerous restau provide a wide choice of dining options, from delectable stea Chinese dishes to hot and spicy Thai and Malay food. The hotels offer both local and Western cuisine. Langkawi's lush green forests offer trails for jungle trekking and provide an escape from the hustle and bustle of city life. The diverse flora and fauna—wild orchids and flowers of every imaginable kind, as well as colourful birds and majestic waterfalls cascading from great heights will fill the vacationer with wonder and contentment.
Legends surround many of the places of interest here, among which are the tomb of Mahsuri, Telaga Air Panas or the hot springs and Pulau Dayang Bunting, which boasts a picturesque freshwater lake. Other scenic spots include the Beach of Black Sand, a wildlife sanctuary, marine parks and the Langkawi Crocodile Farm in Teluk Datai. Those who yearn to camp outdoors can rough it out beneath a myriad of stars and a canopy of leaves in Pulau Singa Besar.
For the city dweller who has to put up with traffic jams, noise and crowds, Langkawi is a perfect retreat which few other places can rival. What are you waiting for, Richard? Come over and experience it yourself!


Jenna Ng

Word bank:
Cluster - group
Cuisine - dishes, style of cooking
Idyllic - peaceful and pleasant
Cascading - pouring downwards
Tempo - pace
Picturesque - as beautiful as a picture
Savour - enjoy
Myriad - a very great number
Quaint - old-fashioned or unusual but attractive
canopy - covering

It was the worst rainy weather I had seen. The skies remained overcast as sheets of rain poured down without stopping. In the evenings, the rain was usually accompanied by blinding flashes of lightning and deafening peals of thunder. Most of the residents in my area remained confined indoors. Apart from people scurrying to and from work and school, there was little outdoor activity. The town where I live, Kuantan, faces the Pahang River. After three days of incessant rain, the swollen river burst its banks and unleashed its fury on the residents. Many of the residents were caught off-guard As the floodwaters rose, many of them were forced to secure their belongings and flee their homes.
Although we lived in a flood-prone area, many were caught by surprise as this was not the monsoon season. Every year, the north-east monsoon would bring heavy rains to the east coast. However, the sudden floods in the middle of the year caused jitters among the residents.
Houses were inundated with rising muddy water. The hea downpour also triggered landslides, causing further damage to hous The heavy rain caused traffic woes as many vehicles stalled on floo roads. Some motorists were seen pushing their stalled vehicles others were stranded.
When the rain did not abate after two consecutive days, people began to be evacuated to higher ground. Many took shelter in a secondary school nearby which was turned into a temporary relief centre. Most of the residents did not have time to salvage their belongings. Several residents from nearby villages were marooned in the area after road links were cut off by the floodwaters.
Various authorities were deployed to help evacuate and supply food to the flood victims. Strong winds aggravated the situation as several trees were uprooted. Roofs of houses were ripped off and went hurtling away in the fierce winds.
After a week of continuous downpour, the rain finally showed signs of abating. The overcast skies finally cleared. The faint glow of the sun's rays brought cheer and relief to the people affected by the floods. People started returning to their homes. After a week of uncertainty and chaos, life returned to normal.

The place where I live is just a stone's throw away from the sea. Ever since Dad took up a job in Pulau Pinang ten years ago, we have been living in Dad's ideal house, which faces the sea. As he was born and bred in a fishing village, the sea had always been part and parcel of his life. My siblings and I also share the same attraction to the sea.
School, assignments and household chores usually keep us busy during weekdays. However, come weekends, the excitement of the sea lures us to the beach. My favourite spot is a secluded grove not far from my house. Nestled among tall coconut trees, it offers an impressive view of the beach. Here, I spend hours sunbathing on the dazzling, white sand.
The waves race towards the shore with their frothy white foam. It is a beautiful sight to behold. I am reminded of the splendour of nature. The lapping of the waves and the sounds they make upon reaching the shore remind me of the swishing of skirts of a row of dancing maidens. It sounds like an orchestral performance.
I am always awestruck by the different sounds made by the unceasing wind. Sometimes it is a gentle breeze that caresses my skin and ruffles my hair. Sometimes it sounds like a beloved's soft murmur. At other times, however, the wind sounds disgruntled as it shrieks and howls. Then, I can feel its sting as it blows my hair onto my face.
However, I am not alone on the beach. Along the edge of the water, I can see tiny hermit crabs scurrying about aimlessly on the sandy beach. Once in a while, a flock of birds will soar above me, flapping their wings gracefully as if they do not have a care in the world. I am content to spend hours at length on the beach. However, as the aroma of Mum's cooking wafts in the air, I am suddenly aware of my hunger pangs. I head for home, knowing that the beach will still be there tomorrow.

Word bank:
A stone's throw away - a short distance away
Frothy - foamy or full of bubbles away
Ruffles - makes something untidy
Lures - attracts
Disgruntled - angry
Secluded - quiet and private

It was almost 6.30 p.m. and I was rushing home after a game of football. The golden sun was slowly disappearing behind a row of puffy clouds and the sky was ablaze with fiery colours—amethyst, pink and shades of orange. What a glorious sunset! As I quickened my pace, I could feel beads of sweat snaking through my hair and down my neck and back. My hands were clammy and my shirt was clinging to my back. How I longed for a glass of cold lemonade and a refreshing bath!
In the distance, I saw vehicles congregating at a junction, waiting as the traffic light lingered red. Motorcyclists were revving their engines while impatient car drivers were fidgeting in their seats. Then, there was silence. All of a sudden, the sound of screeching tyres shattered the silence. I saw a black van hit a blue Toyota Vios with such force that the car crumpled upon impact. The sound of tearing metal was both deafening and terrifying. The van swayed wildly, careened down the road and finally landed on its side.
Soon, a small crowd gathered at the site of the accident. I craned my neck to see what had happened. The skid marks on the road, the condition of the vehicles and the mangled pieces of metal that were strewn across the road told a terrifying story. The van driver had been speeding when he lost control of his vehicle and hit the car. The windshields of both vehicles were totally fragmented and somehow, the engine of the van was still running. The car driver and his passenger were groaning in pain. I presumed they had sustained serious head injuries because blood was splattered all over their faces.
Soon I heard the piercing sirens of an ambulance and a fire engine as they drew close. The firefighters alighted and immediately set to work. They ripped the passenger door of the van from its hinges and removed the injured.The paramedics then performed emergency medical treatment on all injured parties. It was a race against the clock. Then, the injured were taken to the nearest hospital. Meanwhile, two police officers arrived and cordoned off the accident site and dispersed the crowd of curious onlookers.
It was only after my adrenaline tapered off that I could gather my senses. As I walked home, the whole incident flashed through my mind. I kept wondering about the condition of the victims. The accident could have been averted if the van had kept to the speed limit. It was the first accident I had ever witnessed and I certainly hope it will be the last.

Word bank:
Amethyst - purple
A race against the clock - a situation in which you have to do sornething before it is too late
Clammy - damp in an unpleasant way
Congregating - coming together in a group
Cordoned - Closed off a place
Revving - increasing the engine speed of a vehicle by pressing the accelerator
Dispersed - scattered
Tapered off - became gradually less in amount
Fidgeting - moving about restlessly
Averted - prevented
Careened - moved forward very quickly in a way that is uncontrolled

Malaysia is a melting pot of different ethnic groups and cultures. Each one has its own festivals, and Chinese New Year is one of the most significant celebrations for the Chinese community. The festival begins on the first day of the lunar calendar or the first day of the new moon, and ends on the 15th day, known as Chap Goh Mei. During this time, family reunions, open houses, the lion dance, lighting firecrackers and giving any pows are the order of the day.
Like all other festivals, Chinese New Year requires much preparation for the auspicious fifteen days of celebrations. Houses are given a spring clean to sweep away any trace of bad luck. The womenfolk make or buy traditional delicacies. Families shop for new clothes and other items to welcome the New Year. Chinese shops, restaurants and business premises are decked with colourful, intricate festive decorations and paraphernalia Chinese temples are lit with thousands of lanterns which make them appear like a giant fairyland. Even the streets are illuminated.
The eve of Chinese New Year is the high point of the celebration, and most people look forward to it. It is the day when family members come from afar and return home for the reunion dinner. It is an entirely family affair. Family members enjoy a sumptuous feast. The delicacies served include waxed duck, oysters, scallops and prawns. At the stroke of midnight, the New Year is ushered in. Firecrackers are set off to bid adieu to the old year and welcome the new year.
On New Year's Day, everyone in the family puts on their best clothes. Ceremonial candles are lit and incense burned, and family members greet each other. It is customary to give ang pows, red packets containing money, to children and to those who are not married. Lion dances have become ubiquitous during Chinese New Year and they are usually performed at houses, business premises, restaurants and hotels to ward off evil spirits. The 15th day, known as Chap Goh Mei, is also regarded as the Chinese Valentine's Day. Single females throw oranges into the river in the hope of attracting good life partners.
Chinese New Year is indeed a joyous occasion for people of Chinese origin. It is a time for family members to come together. It is also a time for the community to hold open houses and invite their friends and neighbours over.

Word bank
Melting pot - an environment where different cultures mix
Ushered - welcomed
Bid adieu - say goodbye
Order of the day - the order of events on a particular day
Ubiquitous - present everywhere
Paraphernalia - articles or equipment needed for a special function