Youth Perspective

Formal Letter

Informal Letter

Example 1
Letter of Complaint

You are a resident of Taman Aman Jaya.
After a discussion with the other residents, you write a letter to complain about the overflowing rubbish.
Address the letter to the president of the Municipal Council, Taiping.

Use the following notes to write your letter:
• rubbish not collected regularly — stench unbearable
• rubbish scattered all over—bins full — cannot be covered
• grass not cut — two months — long — children cannot play outside homes — snakes


101, Taman Aman Jaya,
34000 Taiping,

The President,
The Municipal Council,
Jalan Sultan Mahmud I,
30100 Ipoh.

20 April, 202X.

Dear Sir,

Complaint About Irregular Collection of Rubbish and Uncut Grass

On behalf of the residents of Taman Aman, I wish to lodge a complaint about the irregular collection of rubbish and the uncut grass.
2. The rubbish collection service in my area is irregular. The garbage trucks do not come regularly to Taman Arnan to collect rubbish. Sometimes the rubbish is left in the bins for one to two weeks. The stench from the bins is very strong and unbearable to the residents.
3. The bins get so full that the lids cannot cover them. Stray cats and dogs knock these bins down and scatter the rubbish and flies are seen all over the place. This makes the whole area very untidy and dirty.
4. The grass has not been cut for more than two months. It is now long and unsightly. Children cannot play outside their houses because there may be snakes hiding in the long grass. We would like you to look into this matter and take immediate action. Thank you.

Yours faithfully,



Example 2
You are the secretary of the Geographical Society of your school.
The Society plans to visit an oil palm estate in Port Dickson.
Write a letter to the manager of Super Oil Palm Estate, Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan, to enquire whether it is possible to visit the oil palm estate.
In your letter, mention the following:
1. educational trip
2. two reasons for visit
3. number of students and teachers 4. date and time of visit
5. whether taking photographs is permitted
6. include any other relevant details


Sekolah Menengah Bandar,
Jalan Rasah,
70300 Seremban.

The Manager,
Super Oil Palm Estate,
71009 Port Dickson,
Negeri Sembilan.

20 June, 202X.

Dear Sir,

Educational Visit to Super Oil Palm Estate

On behalf of the Geographical Society of my school, I would like to enquire whether we may visit the Super Oil Palm Estate.
2. We intend to go on an educational trip to Port Dickson and would like to include a visit to an oil palm estate. We are keen to visit your estate for two reasons.
3. Firstly, we want to get first-hand knowledge of the work involved in running an oil palm estate, such as the harvesting of the fruit. Secondly, we would like to see the processing of the fruit into oil. It will help us to understand our Geography lessons better.
4. There are thirty students and two teachers in our group. We would like to visit your estate on 10 August 202X at 10 a.m. If this is inconvenient, please suggest an alternative date and time.
5. We would also like to know if taking photographs is permitted. We intend to write about our visit and print photographs together with the article in our school magazine.
6. We hope to receive a positive reply soon.
Thank you.

Yours sincerely,


Example 3
Environmental Issues
A new factory, built near your village, is emitting toxic fumes and polluting your area, affecting the health and livelihood of the villagers.
On behalf of the villagers, write a letter of complaint to the local press, urging the authorities to look into the matter and take appropriate action.

Composition Outline:
1. Opening: Kampung Permai - population and occupations
2. Reasons for letter - complain about factory
3. Body of letter: toxic fumes - health hazard, bad smell—water pollution
affects livelihood and environment
4. The indifferent attitude of the authorities
5. Closing: appeal to take action


The Secretary,
Village Committee,
Kampung Permai,
08005 Bandar Inai,
Kedah Darul Aman.

The Editor,
Daily News,
32, jalan Tiong,

20 September, 202X.

Dear Sir,

Pollution Caused by Factory

I am writing on behalf of the residents of Kampung Permai.

2. Our village has a population of about 900 people. Almost all of us are farmers or fishermen who were born and bred here. Most of us will probably remain here for the rest of our lives.

3. During the past year, our patience has been taxed to the limit. This is because of the existence of a new factory, recycling used rubber products, which was built not even one kilometre from our village. Since the factory began operating in January last year, the toxic fumes it emits have adversely affected the health of many villagers. Cases of asthma have increased dramatically, and many of us suffer from headaches, dizziness and nausea. We also have to bear with the unpleasant smell coming from the factory. To make matters worse, the factory has been dumping toxic waste into a nearby river. As a result, the river, which was at one time teeming with fish, is now a dead river. This has affected the fishermen's livelihood. We also fear that harmful chemicals may have seeped into the ground and are polluting our drinking water.

4. If this factory is allowed to pollute its surroundings unchecked, the whole area will be unfit for cultivation and we would have to move away, losing the land that has been in our families for generations and perhaps having to find some other kind of work.

5. We have repeatedly voiced our concerns to the authorities, but our appeals have only been met with empty promises. We have had to put up with this for more than a year. It is inhumane for anyone to expect us to sit and wait patiently while our health and livelihood are at stake.

Thank you.

Yours faithfully,


Word bank:
Taxed to the limit - almost unbearably strained
Inhumane - cruel
Cultivation - farming
At stake - in danger
Empty promises - unfulfilled promises

Example 4
Environmental Issues
A new factory, built near your village, is emitting toxic fumes and polluting your area, affecting the health and livelihood of the villagers.
On behalf of the villagers, write a letter of complaint to the local press, urging the authorities to look into the matter and take appropriate action.

Composition Outline:
1. Opening: Kampung Permai - population and occupations
2. Reasons for letter - complain about factory
3. Body of letter: toxic fumes - health hazard, bad smell—water pollution
affects livelihood and environment
4. The indifferent attitude of the authorities
5. Closing: appeal to take action


122, Jalan 12/3E,
Taman Cempaka,
52000 Kuala Lumpur.

The Editor,
Daily Herald,
B16, Jalan Duta,

20 September, 202X.

Dear Sir,

Keeping Our Cities Clean and Beautiful

Growing up in the heart of the city, I have witnessed its transformation from a bustling town to a busy metropolis.

2. However, of late, several billboards in the city have become more of an eyesore to tourists and a distraction to motorists. Not only are they huge and unsightly, they block the view and pose a mortal danger to road users. Recently, a huge billboard crashed onto the road. A few vehicles were damaged. Most of the passengers emerged thoroughly shaken but unscathed. It could have been much worse.

3. These billboards remain permanent structures even when the messages have become outdated and the print has faded. Earlier complaints to the authorities have come to naught. Do we have to wait until lives are lost before we see the danger of such inaction? Of what use are these unsightly billboards and glaring neon signs that only tempt consumers to splurge on things they do not need or want?

4. We should remove these billboards and develop our city into a garden city filled with trees and greenery. Recently, I took my nephews on a sightseeing tour of the city. I was amazed to see food wrappers, empty containers, paper, and plastic bags piling up in many parts of the city. Why can't the authorities take action against these litterbugs?

5. The city's problems persist because of the authorities' lackadaisical attitude and the lack of strict rule enforcement. From the gigantic billboards to the people's littering culture, there is a need to address these issues promptly. Only when we do this will our cities be clean and beautiful and project a positive image in the minds of tourists.

Thank you.

Yours faithfully,


Word bank:
Mortal - deadly
Litterbugs - people who throw rubbish away indiscriminately
Unscathed - unharmed
Lackadaisical - not showing enough care or enthusiasm
Come to naught - come to nothing
Splurge - spend excessive amounts of money

Example 1
When writing an informal letter, you must:
(a) Use the appropriate format
(b) develop all the points given

Your family is planning to organise a trip to Genting Highlands.
Write a letter to your friend to invite him to join you.
Include the following information in your letter:
Date of departure
Duration of the trip
Interesting places:
- Mushroom Farm - to see how mushrooms are planted
- Snow World - to experience snow

When writing the letter, you must:
+ use the appropriate format (address, greeting, closing)
+ develop all the points given
+ give your own idea, when needed

Model Answer

10A, Penang Road,
12300 Butterworth.
Pulau Pinang

14 April 20XX

Dear Amirul, Greet your friend.
What a pleasant surprise when I received your letter two weeks ago. I hope you are in good health. Sorry for taking so long to reply your letter. Well, I have a good reason for not doing so. My mid-year examination was just around the corner then. So, as expected I was burning midnight oil to do my revision. I wanted to make sure that I live up to my parents' expectation and pass the examination with flying colours.
I am glad the examination is finally over. This marks the beginning of the school holidays. Actually I would like to invite you to spend your holidays with me. My family and I would like to go to Genting Highlands this coming holidays. My mother has asked me to invite you along. She knows that you are a bookworm. As the saying goes, 'All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.' Hence, she hopes you can unwind and relax after such a long time of hard work in school.
The trip starts from 25th to 30th of May. When my parents suggested that we spend the holidays together, we were over the moon with joy. I can't wait for the day to come. The excitement had kept me awake for a number of nights. The time of departure is seven o'clock in the morning. We need to leave home at the crack of dawn because the journey takes about seven hours. We are going there by car. There will be one more place as only my parents and my sister are going there. So, please join us.
My father has booked two rooms at Genting Hotel. This is because it is a popular tourist destination and my father does not want to take the risk of booking the rooms late. The duration of the stay there is five days. I am sure we will have a wonderful time there.
The greatest part about Genting Highlands is the cold crisp weather. This is a chance for us to escape from the hustle and bustle of city life. Visiting the Mushroom Farm to see how mushrooms are grown is one of our itineraries. Yet another interesting place to go to is the Snow World where we will be able to experience snow. This will be great fun. The lovely scenery in Genting Highlands will definitely make you reluctant to leave the place.
If you wish to join us, you must make some necessary preparations. Do bring along your camera to capture the view. Bring along a jacket as it is going to be cold there. I am looking forward to the trip. Please reply as soon as possible. Convey my regards to your parents. Bye.

Your friend,

Word bank:
Revision - the action of revising
Excitement - a feeling of great enthusiasm and eagerness:
Itineraries - a planned route or journey:
Reluctant - unwilling and hesitant; disinclined: