Report Writing

A report is a nonfiction account that presents and/or summarizes the facts about a particular event, topic, or issue.
The idea is that people who are unfamiliar with the subject can find everything they need to know from a good report.
Reports make it easy to catch someone up to speed on a subject, but actually writing a report is anything but easy.
So to help you understand what to do, below we present a little report of our own, all about report writing and report format best practices. nd you’ll clearly see what sets them apart.

Example FORM 4/1
Last Sunday, you visited a Health Fair organised by the Energise Fitness Centre.
You had fun watching and taking part in some of the activities. When the fair ended, you felt you wanted to remember that day.
Write a journal report entry of about 350 words on the day's happenings.

Writing Tips
You can make your essay more interesting by adding details. • You can add details about a person.
E.g. physical details such as a thin man, a sun-tanned face, crooked teeth, a deep voice
• You can add details about a scene.
E.g. The moonlight seemed to dance on the water surface.
• You can add details to an action.
E.g. The crowd pushed forward blindly. The boy squeezed through the window inch by inch.

I had a wonderful time at the Health Fair. I went to the fair with my friend, Norashikin, and we did all kinds of exercises and tried out several exercise machines. The day began at about 10.00 a.m. when we agreed to be participants at the exercise routine.
We were given free tracksuits and shoes. We put them on excitedly and paid attention to the instructor. We jogged for about ten minutes on a machine with a moving belt. If we had stopped moving, we would have fallen off the machine.
Actually, it was quite funny because some people did fall off. There was one particular man who stopped to catch his breath and then found himself sprawled on the floor. After this, we moved to the tubes on the floor. We were divided into groups and then told that we had to complete the obstacle course in five minutes. We had to climb into two cylindrical tubes and then jump over a two-foot wide box. The tubes did not look very comfortable, but they were. I got stuck in the middle of one tube, and so my team lost.
Next, we had to exercise our legs so we got onto cycling machines. Some of us rode quite slowly but some people rode very fast. One would have thought they were taking part in a race! I did not want to overstrain my underworked muscles so I took my time. By this time the smell of perspiration was quite unbearable! After this, we went to the weights.
In a few minutes, the sound of weights crashing down can be heard as inexperienced, but enthusiastic people like myself took on too much. Our instructor was getting a little angry because the equipment was expensive and he did not want us to damage the machines or hurt ourselves.
To cool down, we had to bend and touch our toes twenty times and then do some stretching exercises. By this time, my muscles were aching, but I felt good! I signed up for six more sessions at the gymnasium and will begin next week. All in all, it was a wonderful day and I had a great time.

Additional guides

The aim of a report is to present information to a particular audience clearly using formal language. In the SPM examination, two types of reports are popular — reports to the principal or teachers about school matters and reports about meetings and activities of school societies and clubs...

Word bank:
lined up - arranged to follow one another
had everyone in stitches - had everyone laughing a lot
the jitters - feelings of anxiety and nervousness

Points to note:
Reports are compositions that give information.
Reports are usually written to someone in authority, such as a teacher or a principal. We also write police reports if we witness an accident or a crime.
Remember to
Write the title of the report
Include your name and the date
Use clear, precise language
general, reports use the past tense.

More Examples

To: The Principal, SMK Sri Aman.
Date: 20 April, 202X

Being late to school without a valid reason is a serious breach of the school rules, yet quite a number of students arrive late on a daily basis. A survey was conducted to find out the reasons why students are late and to suggest ways to overcome the problem. The data was collected from students via questionnaires.
Fifty per cent of the students revealed that waking up late is the main reason why they are often late to school. This is mostly due to staying up late at night—the result of finishing their homework secre or gaming with friends. Twenty-five per cent of students stated that notes they have transport problems, such as irregular bus services. Fifteen per cent stated that they live far away from school, so traffic is the main reason for their tardiness. Ten per cent of students stated that they have to help out with their family's business in the morning, such as setting up a stall at the market, which results in them arriving late regularly.
Our school should adopt a zero tolerance approach towards latecomers because if the problem is not addressed properly, it will escalate. Concerted efforts should be expended to rectify this problem. Firstly, the school should carry out awareness campaigns so that students recognise that regular attendance and punctuality are prerequisites to high academic achievement. Students should be encouraged to use alarm clocks, or to wake up earlier if they have familial commitments.
If students continue to display tardy behaviour, the school should inform their parents. Some parents may even take it upon themselves to get their children to school on time. Warning letters should be issued to persistent latecomers. While the school does not believe in barring students from entering the school compound or suspending them as punishment for being late, it remains the duty of the school to inculcate punctuality in students.
With all of these strategies in place, it is hoped that being late to school will become a thing of the past.

Reported by,
Norhanis binti Zamri
Guidance and Counselling Club

Word bank:
breach - a failure to follow rules or an agreement
prerequisites - something that must happen before something else can be done
zero tolerance - the policy of applying very strict rules
familial - family-related
Escalate - become worse
inculcate - cause somebody to learn and remember moral principles or ideas by repeating them
Expended - used

Example 2
Camping Trip
You attended an outdoor activity camp organised by the Nature Club of your schooL
As the sgcretary of the club, you have been asked to write a report to the principaL
Use the following notes to write your report.

Place: Jerai Resort, Gurun, Kedah
Date: 2 April, 202X

Members of the Nature Club
Objectives of the camp:
(1) to help students develop an appreciation for the environment
(2) to teach students to be independent

Day 1
• Pitching tents
Day 2
• Jungle trekking Day 3
• Packing up and returning to school

To: The Principal, Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Permata Biru
Date: 15 April, 202X

Title: Report on the Camping Trip to Jerai Resort, Gurun, Kedah.

Earlier this month, the Nature Club of Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Permata Biru organised a three-day camping trip to the Jerai Resort in Gurun, Kedah.
The three-day camp was aimed at helping students develop an appreciation for their natural environment, and also to teach them how to be independent. Thirty-two members of the cluh accompanied by three teachers embarked on this fun and exciting camping adventure.
At first, we were rather apprehensive at the thought of living without our mobile phones and computers. Upon arriving at our campsite, we unloaded our gear and proceeded to set up camp. There was a feeling of anticipation as we pitched the tents. The cool, crisp air, the rustling of leaves and the happy chirping of birds was a prelude to the fun and brought the first day of camping to a close. We retired to our respective tents for the night.
The jungle trekking experience the next day sapped us of our energy. Although trudging along the muddy path was tough going, it was a truly exhilarating experience. At night, we sat around a campfire enjoying the symphony of popping embers and watching the yellow flames flickering and dancing in the slight breeze. The camping experience offered a reprieve from studies and exams.
On the third and last day of our camp, we had breakfast, packed our things and dismantled our tents. I had mixed feelings about leaving the campsite. Although I felt sad that our camping experience was coming to an end, I took solace in the fact that there will be more camps in the future. The memories of the event will linger in my mind for a long time to come.

Reported by,
Salma Abu, Secretary Nature Club

Word bank:
Embarked - started
Exhilarating - exciting
Apprehensive - anxious
Embers - pieces of burning wood or coal
Pitched - set up
Reprieve - something that provides relief
Prelude - an action serving as an introduction before something important
Dismantled - took apart
Solace - comfort

Example 3
Cleanliness Campaign
Your school recently launched a cleanliness campaign.
As the secretary of the Environment Club, you have been asked to write a report to the principal about the campaign.

In your report, include the following information:
Details • date
• time
• theme or slogan
• launching of campaign
• to create awareness about cleanliness
• to keep the school compound clean
• to instil values in students
• assembly
• garbage collection
• cleaning of classrooms

When writing the report, you should remember to:
• address your report to the principal
• provide a title
• include your name
• use all the notes given

To: The Principal, SMK Temasik
Date: 15 April, 202X

Cleanliness Campaign
SMK Temasik recently carried out a cleanliness campaign on 5 July 201_ between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. The theme of this campaign was 'Keep the School Clean and Green'.The campaign was launched by the District Education Officer, who also called upon the students to make the campaign a success.
The campaign aimed to create an awareness among students about their role in keeping the school clean and green. In addition, the campaign aimed to instil values such as responsibility and accountability among students so that they will do their part in keeping the school and its surroundings clean.
The campaign encompassed a variety of activities. An assembly was held a week before to explain the objectives and activities of the cleanliness campaign.
The campaign also saw students turning out in large numbers and participating with great zeal and enthusiasm. Students were divided into groups. While some groups cleaned the school premises and classrooms, others collected rubbish and put up posters in the canteen and classrooms. The teachers were also there to give a helping hand.
By the end of the campaign, the participants had collected ten bags of garbage which included discarded plastic bottles and containers, gum wrappers and paper. The school grounds looked spick and span after the campaign. Judging from the gleeful smiles on the faces of all the participants, the campaign was definitely a success.

Written by:
Susita Baskaran,
Secretary Environment Club

Word bank:
Encompassed - included
Spick and span - neat and clean

Example 4
Absenteeism in School
A number of students in your school are always absent.
The Counselling Club of your school carried out a survey to find out the reasons why the students are absent.
As the president of the club, write a report to your principal about the matter.
In your report, state the reasons why students are absent and provide suggestions on how to overcome the problem.
Use the notes below to help you write the report.

• lessons are boring
• poor grades
• negative peer influence
• loneliness and stress Absenteeism

• creative classroom lessons
• extra classes for struggling students
• interesting programmes and activities
• provide counselling

When writing the report, you must:
• address your report to the principal
• provide a title
• include your name
• use all the notes given
• give your own ideas when needed

To: The Principal, SMK Perumahan Selesa
Date: 12 September 202X
From: Munirah bt Rashid, President of the Counselling Club

Title: Absenteeism in School

Absenteeism has long been a vexatious issue for school authorities. Students are absent from school every day without a bona fide excuse. The Counselling Club of our school carried out a survey to find out the reasons why the students are absent.
Most of the students who are absent say that they find the lessons boring. In light of this revelation, teachers should try and explore attendance. Obtaining poor grades was another reason for frequent absenteeism. If the school becomes a place where students feel unsuccessful, then they will want to avoid it. Therefore, special tutorial programmes should be initiated to equip students wi adequate academic skills.
Peer influence also has a significant bearing on student attendance. - Students often miss class to be in the company of friends. Students who associate with delinquents are at risk. Student absenteeism may also be a red flag for more serious problems such as anxiety, loneliness or stress. These students should be sent for counselling sessions. In addition, after-school sports and other programmes will enable students to make new friends and experience a positive environment. Results of the survey show that lack of parental supervision may also contribute to absenteeism among students. As parental involvement relates closely to student attendance and academic progress, parents should be reminded of their responsibilities. School authorities should liaise with the police and the local community to patrol neighbourhoods where truant students are likely to be during school hours.
Occasional absenteeism among students can be excused. However, frequent absenteeism is a cause for concern as it has often been linked to serious problems such as violence, substance abuse, gang involvement and criminal activity such as burglary and vandalism. Left unaddressed, absenteeism can have significant negative effects on students, the school and on society. Therefore, it is critical to determine the reasons for absenteeism and identify strategies to tackle the problem.

Word bank:
vexatious - worrying or frustrating
red flag - a warning of danger
liaise - cooperate
bona fide - genuine
unaddressed - not attended to
initiated - started
delinquents offenders