
When it comes to communication, there are countless words and phrases that can be used to convey a message.
Two such words that are often used interchangeably are “talk” and “speech.”
But which one is the proper word to use in certain situations?
The answer is that it depends on the context.

The format of speeches and talks require opening and closing statements.
Here are some examples:

Opening expressions
1. Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. It is an honour to be with you here today.
2. I bid a very warm welcome to all present. It is my privilege to speak to all of you on
3. It is a great pleasure to be invited to your school to give a talk on
4. Good evening ladies and gentlemen. It gives me great pleasure to speak to all of you on
5. Today I stand here, as the proud father of the bride, thanking each and every one of you for attending this special occasion.

Closing expressions
1 Thank you for giving me this opportunity to talk to you.
2 Thank you for your attention.
3 I hope you have found the suggestions useful. Thank you.
4 With that, let me leave you to ponder on the points made. Thank you.
5 Thank you once again and please continue to enjoy the party.


Example A
As the Head Prefect, you have been asked to give a farewell speech for your English teacher who is leaving the school.
• greeting
• present gift
• describe teacher - English teacher
• apologise for mistakes - counsellor
• wishes and hopes for teacher

When writing your speech:
• you may use all the words or phrases provided
• elaborate on the given notes to make it more interesting
• you may add any other relevant information
• make sure it is not less than 120 words

Writing tips:
-Great and give reason for speech
- Arrange points in sequence
- Elaborate on the points
- Use different sentence structures
- State reason for the speech again
- Thank the audience

Model Answer
Good morning, Headmistess, Madam Monica Wang and fellow students.
Thank you so much for giving me this opportunity to thank Madam Monica Wang for all that she has done for us - students as well as the school. Madam Monica is a very experienced English teacher. She has worked in this school for twenty years. Not only is she an excellent English teacher, but she is also a caring teacher who imparts more than just knowledge. As a counsellor, she is very trustworthy and approachable. She willingly listens to all our problems and helps us to solve them.
On behalf of all the students, I would like to present this small gift as a token of appreciation from us. We apologise for all the mistakes we have made and we wish you success in your new job as Headmistress. I hope that your future students will appreciate you as much as we do.
Once again, thank you Madam Monica Wang for all your help and support, and thank you everyone for your attention.

Example B
You are representing your school to talk on the following topic:
"A Leader Must be Good Qualities"

When writing your speech:
• you may use all the words or phrases provided
• elaborate on the given notes to make it more interesting
• you may add any other relevant information
• make sure it is not less than 120 words

Writing tips:
-Great and give reason for speech
- Leader with good qualities
- Must be a responsible person
- Friendly and approachable
- State reason for the speech again
- Thank the audience

Model Answer
Good morning Mr chairman, teachers and friends,
Nowadays, people are, more selective when they choose their leaders. They want good leaders who will think of them and the country. They look for leaders who have many good qualities.
Ladies and gentlemen,
A leader must be a responsible person. He should take his job seriously and carry out his duties as well as he can. He should always think of what is best for all the people in the country. He must be fair to everyone and help all the people. Another quality that a leader should have is honesty. He should not take any money that does not belong to him. He should always be truthful and never tell lies. If he does so, people will lose respect for him.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Besides that, a leader should be friendly and approachable. People should feel that they can go to him with their problems. He must be caring and concerned enough to listen to what the people have to say. He should try to solve the problems that the people are facing. The people must know that their leader is committed to helping them.
Becoming a great leader is a journey of continuous learning and growth. It’s a process — one that thrives on embracing challenges, seeking feedback, fostering connections, and cultivating understanding.
Thank you for lending me your ears.

Example C
You are representing your school to give a speech on the following topic:
"Information Technology In Malaysia"

Model Answer:
Good morning/afternoon ladies and gentlemen,
Malaysians have seen much technological progress in our beloved country in the last 20 years. For instance, 20 years ago, computers were luxury items to most people. Most Malaysians felt that computers were too expensive to own. Taking up computer courses was considered unnecessary.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Today, computer courses are very popular. Even children as young as three years old are already learning how to use computers in their nursery schools or kindergartens Similarly, in many communities, senior citizens are encouraged to pick up basic computer skills. There are introductory computing courses offered free or at highly subsidised rates to senior citizens in many residential areas as part of their community services. For job-seekers, it has become essential to demonstrate that they have knowledge of various computer programmes and are able to use these programmes.
Ladies and gentlemen,
The Malaysian government is also encouraging the use of computers among the people. In the area of Internet use, for example, the Government aims to increase usage of the Internet to 50 per cent of the nation's population by the year 2020. One of the measures taken is to make computers more affordable. Computer prices have been drastically reduced as the Government has encouraged greater competition among computer producers. The 'smart school' concept is also implemented in many. schools with the Government extending support in the form of computer equipment and multimedia courseware. The Government realises that, for Malaysia to become a developed nation, the people must be able to utilise Information and Communication Technology in their work as well as in their daily lives.

Word bank:
Luxury items - barangan mewah
usage - penggunaan
Demonstrate - memperlihatkan
extending - menghulurkan

Example D
You are representing your school to give a speech on the following topic:
"Internet And Smart Surfing"

Model Answer:
Good morning/afternoon ladies and gentlemen,
How could we do without the Internet? It is through the Internet that most of us keep in touch with friends, find homework materials, or find out the latest news, But, like the real world, there are some people who can take advantage of you — financially or physically. Therefore, you have to learn smart surfing.
The first rule of smart surfing is to remain as anonymous as possible. That means, keeping all private information private,, such as full name, home address, phone number, passwords, names of family members and credit card numbers. Most credible people and companies will never ask for this type of information online. So if someone does, it is a red flag that they may be up to no good. Think carefully before you create an e-mail address or screen name. Web experts recommend that you us a combination of letters and n u miters in both — and that you Ho not identify whether you are male or female.
In chat rooms, use a nickname that is different from your screen name. That way, if you ever find yourself a conversation that makes you uncomfortable, you an exit without having to worry that someone knows your screen name and can track you down via e-mail. Some people who chat with their friends online set up private chat rooms where only themselves and :the people they invite to chat.
Experts recommend that people keep online friendships in the virtual world. Meeting online friends face to face carries more risks than other types of friendships because it is so easy for people to pretend to be someone they are not when you cannot see them or talk in person.
If you ever get involved in a chat room conversation that makes you feel uncomfortable or puts you in danger for any reason, exit and tell a parent or other adults right away so they can report the incident. They will then see that the information is for forwarded to law enforcement officials for investigation.
Thank you

Section A:
Directed Writing [35 marks]
Time suggested: 45 minutes

You are the President of the Cultural Society of your school.
Your society has invited Dato Hamzah Bin Sabtu, an expert in wayang kulit, to give a speech to the members on 'Wayang Kulit in Malaysia'. Write a speech to introduce Dato Hamzah Ibrahim to the members.

Write your speech based on the information below.
— Birthplace: Jitra, Kedah. Parents: Ibrahim & Fatimah (both wayang kulit performers)
— Performing wayang kulit from age fifteen
— about 1000 performances up to now, both locally and overseas
— Has Ph. D. in Wayang Kulit
— published numerous books and articles on wayang kulit
— regularly invited to deliver papers on wayang kulit by universities all over the world
— Awards: Malaysian Wayang Kulit Council Award (2004), International Wayang Kulit Council Award (2006)

When writing your speech, you should remember
— to use an appropriate greeting and opening
— to use an appropriate closing
— to use all the information given

Good morning to our special guest, Dato Hamzah Ibrahim, our teacher advisor, Madam Angeline Ng, and members of the Cultural Society.
We are very honoured today to have Dato Hamzah to talk to us about wayang kulit in Malaysia. It gives me great pleasure to introduce Dato Hamzah Bin Sabtu to you.
Dato Hamzah was born in Jitra, Kedah, in 1950. His parents, Encik Ibrahim and Puan Fatimah, were both established wayang kulit performers at that time. Dato Hamzah took a deep interest in the art and learnt the skills of the trade at a young age. His first stage performance was at the age of fifteen, and he has held about one thousand performances up to now, in all parts of Malaysia as well as in Thailand, Indonesia, India, England and Saudi Arabia.
Dato Hamzah holds a Ph.D. in Wayang Kulit and has published numerous books and articles on wayang kulit. He is also invited regularly to deliver papers on wayang kulit by universities all over the world.
For his contributions to the art of wayang kulit, Dato Hamzah was bestowed the Malaysian Wayang Kulit Council Award in 2004 and the International Wayang Kulit Council Award in 2006.
Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, Dato Hamzah Bin Sabtu.

Speech/Example FORM 5/1
Your Physics teacher has just been transferred to another school on promotion.
As the head prefect, write a farewell speech to be read at assembly, on behalf of the students.
You may use the following points:
(a) last day on...
(b) the number of years served in the school
(c) his contributions to the school
(d) how much he will be missed
(e) wish him well

A very good morning to our principal Puan Rohana, all teachers, fellow students and, specially, Mr Nathan.
Today is a sad day for us as it is Mr Nathan's last day with us. Mr Nathan will be going on transfer to Sekolah Menengah Unggul on promotion.
Mr Nathaniel has taught Physics in this school for nearly ten years. That is a long period of time.
He has done a lot for the school and all his work and effort will never be forgotten.
He has improved the overall Physics results at SPM level. Our school is top for Physics in the state level because of Mr Nathan's efforts. Tirelessly, he gave extra classes and prepared effective notes for his students.
Apart from his excellent teaching and dedication in class, he has been actively involved in many school activities. He was a coach to the hockey team and the team has been bringing 'home' hockey trophies every time it competes.
Mr Nathan was also the adviser of the Photographic Society. He trained the students well and updated himself with the latest technology to share with his students. Now, the photographs for all school functions are taken by the members of the Photographic Society.
We will certainly miss Mr Nathan but we are happy to hear of his promotion. He will hold the post of Principal of Sekolah Menengah Unggul. We wish him the very best and may he continue to prosper. Thank you.

Speech/Example FORM 5/2
You have been invited to speak to a group of students on the benefits of the information highway.
In your speech, include the following:
(a) Makes it easier to:
- maintain distant relationships
- find new companions
(b) Gives a different approach to learning
- e-learning
- chatrooms/forums/discussions
(c) Make life easier
- business executive
- busy working people

A very good afternoon to all of you. I am indeed to be invited here to talk to you about the benefits of the information highway. What is the information highway? Of course, it is not one that is choked with cars zooming by. It is just another name for the Internet.
Now, I am sure many of you surf the Internet, be it for information or for entertainment. I, myself, find it most convenient to keep in touch with friends and relatives through emails. For one, I don't have to waste time queueing up at post offices to buy stamps, to send off letters or cards or worry if the mail or card will reach its destination. With e-mail, I can be certain that my greetings or mails will reach the recipients promptly. Furthermore, it saves costs. A number of websites allows free downloading of electronic cards and messages, so sending a birthday wish is no longer a burden on the pocket. Apart from e-mail, we can also keep in touch and make new friends through chatrooms. Chatrooms enable us to communicate in real time and receive responses almost instantly. If you have a microphone attached to your computer, you can even talk to each other. Those with webcams will even be able to see each other. This really brings communication to a whole new level.
We can also carry out e-learning through the Internet. Our teachers can set us tasks and we can work online, allowing them to monitor our progress. At the same time, we can engage in forums among ourselves. For example, if someone has a problem with an assignment, he or she can bring up the matter and post it. Then, whoever wants to respond to the question is free to do so. From there, it may create a chain of actions and counter-actions thereby generating a lot of discussion. In this way, we can exchange ideas, learn from each other and more importantly, develop to become independent learners.
Then for those in the business sector, meetings can be carried out via the computer through video conferencing. For example, if the director of a multinational company wishes to hold a meeting with the general managers of its branches in all parts of the world, they do not need to meet in one particular city. Instead, they can attend the meeting in their individual offices so long as they are all 'connected'. This arrangement saves time and money and at the same time allows the managers to attend to any pressing matters that may arise in their branch office.
The information highway has also made the life of busy executives or working people easier. Internet banking has allowed them to settle bills or carry out any electronic transactions with ease. They no longer have to take time off from work to pay bills or settle banking matters. All these can be done through the computer.
Lastly, though the information highway has become an indispensable part of our life, we must be cautious of its effects. Let me remind you to use the Internet wisely and not be a slave to it. With this, I hope I have enlightened you on the benefits of the information highway. Once again, thank you for allowing me to share my thoughts with you.
Thank you.

Speech/Example FORM 5/3
Your school is organising an Environmental Awareness Week.
You have been selected to give a speech on how to protect the environment by consenting our natural resources.
Use the notes below to help you write your speech.
- use natural gas instead of petroleum
- use solar energy, hydropower and wind energy instead of energy generated by the burning of fuel
- use cloth instead of disposable diapers
- recycle glass, aluminium and paper
- turn organic kitchen waste into compost
- donate old computers to charity or welfare bodies Develop new technologies
- more efficient cars that produce less pollutants
- new methods of recycling so that more waste can be recycled
- better filters to reduce smoke emission from factory chimneys

Sample Answer
Good morning, Mr Param, teachers and fellow students.
The environment is our responsibility. We cannot continue to ignore our role in maintaining the health of our environment. One of the best ways to protect our environment is to conserve natural resources. There are several methods of conservation that we can practise. ,br> First, we should substitute our depleting sources of petroleum by using natural gas. The burning of petroleum also releases pollutants into the air that affect us. Then there are also various sources of renewable energy such as solar energy, wind energy and hydroelectric power. Solar energy can easily be harnessed in areas that receive large amounts of sunlight such as' in Malaysia and in other countries that are located in the tropics. Wind power is widely used in the United States, Denmark and Holland.
Secondly, we should recycle. Each year, we dump an increasingly large amount of solid waste into landfills. Much of what we throw away can be recycled, such as aluminium cans, glass and paper. The organic waste from our kitchens and gardens can also be recycled, to produce organic compost. The compost can then be used as fertiliser. With the rapid advancements in computer technology, many individuals are discarding old computers for newer, faster models. This has created an immense amount of computer discards that are not biodegradable.
We can collect and make necessary adjustments to these discarded computers and give them to children's homes, schools and various charities. Many of these computers just need to be upgraded. Finally, we should develop new technologies that can help us to further protect our environment. One such area is in the design and manufacturing of new electric cars that are environmental friendly. We also need more fuel efficient cars that will not pollute our environment. Factories that produce large amounts of smoke need better, more efficient smoke filters that will ensure that minute pollutants are trapped and not released into the environment. We must act now to ensure that we can continue to live in an environment that is healthy. We must wake up to the fact that our well-being lies in our own hands. We need to act today.
Thank you.

Speech/Example FORM 5/4
It is Environmental Awareness Week in your school.
During the morning assembly, you have to give a talk to encourage the students to care for the environment.
In your talk, you should include the following points:
What is 'environment'? - air, water, land
Why environmental awareness is important? - pollution problems
Care for the environment - change habits
Things to do:
1. Practise 3 R's;
(a) Reduce: less garbage - landfills - incinerators
(b) Recycle: paper, plastic, metal - preserve natural resources
(c) Reuse: think before you throw away - be creative
2. Use cars less often: cycle, walk, use public transport

(a)Introducing the topics
(a) What is environment?
(b) Make habits changes
(c) Practice the 3 R’Ss – Reduce, Recycle and Reuse
(d) Reduce dependency on cars
It is everyone’s responsibility to care for the environment

Good morning, teachers and friends.
I'm so glad to have this opportunity to speak to you at the launch of Environmental Awareness Week. I would like to give a talk about caring for the environment. I'll begin by briefly explaining to you why we observe this week. After that, I'll describe how we can protect the environment by simply changing some of our habits.
Let me ask you a question. What do we mean by the word 'environment'? Yes, if you're thinking it means our surroundings, you're right. When we talk about our environment we refer to our air, water and land. We know that the pollution of our environment is a great problem all over the world. I'm going to tell you how we can look after our environment. That's the purpose of Environmental Awareness Week—to make us aware that caring for the environment is our responsibility.
There are simple ways in which we can care for the environment, not just during this week but all the time. These involve simply changing the way we normally do things. In other words, changing our habits. Our habits have an impact on the environment. Unfortunately, the impact is usually negative. We can protect the environment by reducing the negative impact of our actions on the environment. For example, it is our habit to throw away whatever we don't need. Stop doing that!
Teachers and friends,
Have you heard of the 3 R's—Reduce, Reuse and Recycle? We need to practise the 3 R's! What does 'reduce' mean? It just means we should throw less rubbish out. If we do that we'll reduce land pollution. There'll be less need for landfills and incinerators. How can we reduce household garbage? One good way is to buy goods with less packaging. Another is to try to recycle items, such as paper, plastic and aluminium cans, that we would normally throw out. We must separate our garbage. We can take all recyclable items to recycling centres in the area. In our efforts to reduce garbage, we will also help to preserve the earth's limited natural resources. Furthermore, we could try to reuse items such as paper and plastic. For example, we can use both sides of writing paper, use old exercise books as notebooks and use old newspapers to line shelves. I'm sure we can all think of other creative ways to reuse these items. We just need to think before we throw anything away. Let's not be in a hurry to dump things. Instead, use them in different ways.
Another habit change that would protect the environment involves the way we travel. We know that cars cause many problems. We can't live without them, but they pollute the air. It is better for us to walk and use the car only when we have to. If you live close to your school, why not walk or cycle to school? Imagine if all of us did that! Not only would we reduce air pollution, we would also be fitter because of the daily exercise! I suggest using the car only when there is no other choice. Use public transport — it's cheaper and less stressful.
Teachers and friends,
Well, before I conclude, let me encourage you to put these simple suggestions into practice. I'm sure you'll all agree that we can practise the 3 R's. Also, we can certainly try to change the way we travel. Please do not wait to make these changes. Let's begin today and show that we care for the environment. Remember, it should become a habit so that all of us will naturally do things that protect the environment. Caring for the environment is really everyone's responsibility. Each of us can make a difference. So, let us protect and care for our environment together.
Thank you.

Word bank:
Launch - start
Impact – effect
Packaging – outer wrapping
Preserve – save/keep
Natural resources – raw materials
Line shelves – cover shelves to keep them clean
In a hurry – quick dump things – throw items away
Fitter – healthier

Idiomatic expressions
Put ____ into practice – do/carry out

Speech/Example FORM 5/5
It is a Consumer Week in your school. During the morning assembly, you have to give a talk on the topic of "How To Be A Wise Consumer".
In your talk, you should include the following points:
Wise consumers - do not fall victim to unscrupulous retailers.
Smart consumers - get the most out of your money
Avoid using credit cards - regular purchases
Shop around - available discounts
Avoid impulse purchases
Buy in bulk
Search and cheaper products

(a) What is a consumer?
(b) Title and purpose of the talk
(a) Do not buy on credit
(b) Shop around
(c) Avoid impulse shopping - make a list
(d) Buy in bulk
(e) Search for shelves
Making the effort will save money

Good morning, teachers and friends.
I am glad to have this opportunity to speak to you today as we launch Consumer Week. All of us are consumers. We buy all kinds of goods and services. Unfortunately, not all of us are wise consumers. We need to know how to be wise consumers so that we do not fall victim to unscrupulous retailers who are out to take advantage of our ignorance. We need to be smart consumers so that we can get the most out of our money. I'm going to give you some tips on how to be a wise consumer and receive a fair exchange for your money.
Here's my first tip. As a wise consumer, you should not buy too much on credit. This is because when you buy on credit you are actually adding to the cost of the product when you pay interest to the credit card vendor. Therefore, make sure you budget your money before you go shopping. Plan before you buy and make sure you have sufficient money before you go shopping.
When out shopping, you shouldn't buy the first item you see. As a wise consumer, you should realise that you need to shop around. Look for available discounts and special deals. You may find the same product going at a lower price at different outlets. Thus, shopping around will make you a wise consumer who can find the best price for the item you wish to purchase. This will certainly save you your hard-earned money!
Let's move on to my third tip. To be a wise consumer, you should avoid impulse purchases. Do not make a purchase just because it's on offer, or because the salesperson is very persuasive and you find it difficult to say 'no, thank you'! Always remember that retailers will do their best to lure you into buying their products. If you are armed with a list and are determined to stick to that list, you won't spend money unnecessarily on items you don't need.
Next, as a wise consumer, try to buy in bulk. This is a go practice because it means you have to make fewer trips out in car. That will save you fuel and time. However, you should o buy as much as you can use before the item spoils or exp There is no point in buying so much that you have to throw a most of it because it has passed its expiry date and is not for consumption. So buy in bulk, knowing it usually wo cheaper, but do so responsibly.
Finally, as you go down the aisle to select purchases, the shelves carefully. Look for items that are placed high on the shelves. Such items are often cheaper than the priced brand name products that are conveniently placed level. Manufacturers actually pay to have their products at the consumer's eye-level. That is why the products at ey are more expensive. As a wise consumer, it is good to se the cheaper products.
In short, being a smart consumer is not difficult. All you to do is to make a few small changes to your shopping and exercise some self-control. You will find that it will huge, positive impact on your bank account. In addition, continue to make smart consumer choices, you will 1 operate within a comfortable budget and thereby live within means. Thank you.

Word bank:
unscrupulous retailers - dishonest people
ignorance– lack of knowledge
vendor– a person who sells things
impulse – without a plan/ based on a whim
lure – tempt
Spoils – goes bad
is not fit for consumption - cannot be used or eaten

Idiomatic expressions
fall victim – become a victim/get taken advantage of
take advantage - use/capabilities
get the most out of - make loans or by paying in instalments
budget your money - plan how you will spend your money
armed with - having something that helps with a task
in bulk - in large amounts.

Section A:
Directed Writing [35 marks]
Time suggested: 45 minutes

Talks/Example FORM 4/1
Topic: Describing a place
Task : Tell your classmates about a place you visited recently. Give clear descriptions.

Good morning Prian Monica and friends. This morning, I will describe to you a place that I visited during the last holidays, and that is the world famous Mulu Caves.
The Mulu Caves are made up of a large system of limestone caves. In fact, they are the largest system of limestone caves in the world. This system is a breathtaking natural wonder containing a number of record-breaking caves. Here, you can find the world's largest cave, the Deer Cave; the world's largest natural chamber, the Sarawak Chamber; and the longest cave in Southeast Asia, the Clearwater Chamber. Of all these caves, the one that I managed to visit is the Deer Cave.
The Deer Cave is so spacious that it can accommodate Boeing 747 jumbo jets. The roof is very high, that is, 90 metres from the ground! The size of the cave is indeed awesome.
The path that leads into the cave winds its way round the natural contours of the cave floor Although the path is lit, I had to use a torchlight to e4he impressive stalactites and stalagmites along the path. As the path wove through the cave and towards the southern entrance, I noted a lot of insects thriving in the cave. However, the one mammal that I could not miss was the fruit bat that has made the Cave its home. In fact, any visitor to the cave will not miss the foul smell wafting through the cave no thanks to the tonnes of guan on the cave floor.
The most Memorable sight of my trip was the spectacular black cloud of bats emerging from the cave at sunset in search of food. My tour guide told me that at 6.00 p.m. each evening, millions of bats emerge to look for food under the watchful gaze of Abraham Lincoln, a rock formation which resembles the famous president of the United States.
I hope I will have the opportunity to return to the Mulu goves to explore the caves once again.

Talks/Example FORM 4/2
Topic: Talking and sharing information
Task : Tell your classmates about the benefits ofjungle trekking

Good morning Mr Kumar and fellow classmates.
This morning, I would like to share with you the benefits of jungle trekking.
Jungle trekking is an interesting outdoor activity. It is not only a good form -of exercise, but also one that brings us close to nature. When we are with nature, we get to breathe fresh air and feast our eyes on the lush greenery around us. More importantly, we learn to appreciate what nature has given us.
When we are trekking through the forest, we get to see various types of flora and fauna which may be unique and endemic to our forests. For example, the Rafflesia is found only in the jungles of Borneo and PeninsuL o Malaysia and not in other jungles in Southeast Asia. Similarly, only certain animals and creatures are native to a particular part of the forest. For instance, the pygmy elephant is found only in the jungles of Sabah.
Some people. May think that jungle trekking is a dangerous activity because of recent reports of trekkers getting lost in our thick tropical forests. Let me assure you that it is very safe to trek in our jungles if you take certain precautions. For instance, we should, stick to the marked trails and not wander off on our own.
Next, we should uotpat any unfamiliar fruits or plants that we see along the way. Unless we are certain that they are safe to be eaten, it is wise not to touch them. Alternatively, we can always engage a qualified ranger to walk us through the jungle. In fact, this is the best option because a ranger would be familiar with the jungle and he can point out to us the various plant and animal species along the trail.
Once in a while, we should take time off and head to the jungles and immerse ourselves in nature. It is a good respite from the hustle and bustle of city life. It is a place where we can unwind and appreciate the tranquillity surrounding us. This is a place for listening to the chirping of birds, the call of gibbons, the mating calls of crickets and other insects, the croaking of frogs after a storm and the rustling of leaves on the ground.
In short, there is nothing like looking back to nature.

Talks/Example FORM 4/3
You have been asked to give a talk on "How We Can Practise Energy Conservation in Schools".

In your talk, you should include the following points:
• Encourage your friends to carpool
• Use public transport
• Minimise use of fans and lights
• Minimise use of air conditioners
• Switch off computers after use
• Minimise use of cooking equipment and electrical appliances in the Living Skills Room

Do remember to
introduce yourself and your topic
use paragraphs
use all the points given
elaborate on the points to make your speech more interesting
conclude your speech suitably

Writing Tips
State what people can do to cope withthe rise in fuel prices.
Give examples to illustrate your points.
Organise your essay. Explain each problem in one paragraph.
Give solutions to these problems.
Give an appropriate conclusion.

A Talk on "How We Can Practise Energy Conservation In Schools"

Mrs Leela Devi, our Adviser, teachers and my fellow students, and ideas with you on the topic, "How We Can Practise Energy Conservation in Schools." When we practice conservation in schools, we learn what we can also do in our homes to help our parents reduce their electricity and petrol bills.
First, let us practise car pooling as a way of life. How do you come to school every morning? Does your father or mother drive you, all alone in one car? It is time for a change. Learn to cut down on your petrol bill. Get others to come to school with you in your car.
Use public transport wherever possible. The authorities must improve public transport in every city. Ideally, every student should use public transport to school and back to reduce traffic jams and petrol bills. >br> Here in school we should practise austerity in the use of electricity. In the mornings, it is not necessary to switch on all the fans and lights. Use only some of them. In the afternoon, when it is hot, yes, we can switch on all the fans. Likewise, we should our use of air-conditioners. Remember to switch them off at the end of the day.
We have two computer rooms in our schools. We must remember to switch off all computers especially at the end of the day. There are cases where computers have been left switched over the weekends. In some cases, fires have occurred, causing extensive damage to the computer labs. We cannot afford to let this happen.
Another area of special concern is he Living Skills workshop. Here we have machines and cooking equipment which use a lot of electricity. We have to use these equipment for teaching and learning, but we must avoid wastage.
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, we can do a lot to make a difference. Austerity should be our way of life. Conservation of energy must be part of our living culture.
Thank you.

Talks/Example FORM 4/4
You have been invited and asked to give a talk on healthy eating habits to your peers in school.

Using the notes below, write your talk on the brings one should and should not do in order to lose weight but remain healthy. Things to do: Eat lots of fruit and vegetables Eat lea meat – remove the skin from chicken Have steamed food Go for a walk every evening Things you should remember Avoid fried food Avoid snacking on biscuits, chocolates and ice cream Do not skip meals When write a talk, you should remember to: Use the correct format Include all the points given Write in paragraphs Note: This is a talk, so remember to address your audience. Sample Answer Good morning, friends. This morning, I am going to share with you some tips on how to lose weight and yet remain healthy. I used to be overweight, and went through a period of dieting at one stage.
However, because I did not approach it properly, I fell quite ill. Fortunately, I managed to get advice from my doctor and by following her advice, I managed to bring down my weight and now feel much healthier. So for those of you who are struggling with weight problems, perhaps you would like to try out these tips.
First, you should eat a lot of fruit and vegetables. The vitamins and fibre they contain are good for your body. Second, remember to remove the skin and fat from chicken before you cook it. This really reduces the amount of fat absorbed by your body. Also, try to eat more steamed food instead of fried food. Sometimes, we do not realise the amount of oil that we consume. I have to admit, though, that fried food is tastier. Perhaps you can give yourself a treat once a week with a piece of fried chicken and try to eat healthy food the rest of the week.
Now, aside from avoiding fried foods, you should also avoid snacking on ,biscuits, chocolates and ice cream. Instead of munching on these when you feel hungry, grab a fruit or a stick of celery. You will satisfy your hunger and stay healthy at the same time!
Never skip meals. You might think that you will lose more weight that way but believe me, you will only be doing harm to yourself. Eat regularly but moderately.
It is also very important to exercise. It is not enough just to go on a diet. We also need to exercise regularly. Going for a walk every evening is highly recommended. My doctor told me that it does not strain our back or knees too much and is a great form of exercise.
Give it a try and I trust that you will see results soon! Thank you for your attention.

Talks/Example FORM 4/5
Using the short notes below, write a short talk on 'The Prevention of Diabetes' to be presented to members of the Red Crescent Society in your school.
• What is diabetes?
• What are the symptoms?
• How to prevent it?
• Is there a cure?

When writing the article, you should remember
• that your audience consists mainly of students
• to write a proper introduction and conclusion
• to write in paragraphs

Sample Answer
Good morning, friends.
This morning, I am going to share with you some tips on how to lose weight and yet remain healthy. I used to be overweight, and went through a period of dieting at one stage. However, because I did not approach it properly, I fell quite ill. Fortunately, I managed to get advice from my doctor and by following her advice, I managed to bring down my weight and now feel much healthier. So for those of you who are struggling with weight problems, perhaps you would like to try out these tips.
First, you should eat a lot of fruit and vegetables. The vitamins and fibre they contain are good for your body. Second, remember to remove the skin and fat from chicken before you cook it. This really reduces the amount of fat absorbed by your body. Also, try to eat more steamed food instead of fried food.
Sometimes, we do not realise the amount of oil that we consume. I have to admit, though, that fried food is tastier. Perhaps you can give yourself a treat once a week with a piece of fried chicken and try to eat healthy food the rest of the week. Now, aside from avoiding fried foods, you should also avoid snacking on biscuits, chocolates and ice cream. Instead of munching on these when you feel hungry, grab a fruit or a stick of celery. You will satisfy your hunger and stay healthy at the same time. Never skip meals. You might think that you will lose more weight that way but believe me, you will only be doing harm to yourself. Eat regularly but moderately. It is also very important to exercise. It is not enough just to go on a diet. We also need to exercise regularly. Going for a walk every evening is highly recommended. My doctor told me that it does not strain our back or knees too much and is a great form of exercise. Give it a try and I trust that you will see results soon! Thank you for your attention.

Talks/Example FORM 5/1
Your English teacher is about to retire.
As the president of the English Language Society, write a farewell speech to be read at the assembly on behalf of the students.
Use the following points:
• last day on ...
• the number of years served in the school
• her contributions to the school
• how much she will be missed
• wish her happy retirement

Good morning, boys and girls.
Today, I am going to give a talk entitled 'The Importance of Reading Newspapers'. How many students read newspapers every day? Not many, I am sure. Why don't you read newspapers? One reason is probably lack of time. Well, that is not a good reason! Now, here are some reasons why you should make an effort to read newspapers.
Firstly, read newspapers to know what is happening around you. You will be a more alert person. You will know what is going on, for example, robberies, events, the Mega Sales, etc. Facts, figures, all of these will be bits of information at your fingertips.
Secondly, you become a more knowledgeable person. Newspapers are a source of information. You get the latest updates on local and world news, weather forecasts—in fact, anything that you might want to know.
Thirdly, you can improve your English and Bahasa Malaysia. I strongly recommend that you read newspapers to improve your grammar, sentence structures and vocabulary. Some of the local English newspapers now even have whole pages devoted to interesting English lessons to help you improve and widen your command of the language.
Fourthly, read newspapers for pleasure. There are cartoon strips, cooking tips and recipes, fashion updates and lots of other interesting and shocking bits of news to read in newspapers. So, use your leisure time to read newspapers.
Lastly, news from newspapers can be topics of conversation when you talk to friends. You will have a lot to share and you will be a much more interesting person! Thank you for your attention.

Talks/Example FORM 5/2
You are the Secretary of the 'Consumers' Association in your town.
You are invited to give a talk to students of a secondary school entitled 'Be a Wise Shopper'.
Include the following:
• do not be influenced by advertisements in the mass media
• compile a list of necessary items before you shop
• compare prices in various shops
• check the quality and expiry dates of goods
• be careful when buying during sales Remember to:
• address the audience
• introduce the topic of the talk
• elaborate on each of the points
• end the talk with a closing expression

Good morning, students of this school.
It is a great pleasure to be invited to your school to give a talk entitled 'Be a Wise Shopper'.
First of all, you must not be influenced by advertisements in the mass media such as television, radio, newspapers and magazines. Advertisements only show the positive side of a product without revealing its shortcomings. This is very misleading and consumers are often tricked into buying the products. For example, to promote LOLLA shampoo, an attractive girl with long, shiny hair is shown in television commercials One is led to believe that by using LOLLA, one will have similarly beautiful hair. Also, as a wise shopper, you should compile a list of necessary items before you shop. This will help you buy only what is needed. Without a list, you will tend to buy unnecessary items and thus spend a lot of money.
Furthermore, it is a good habit to compare prices at various shops. This way, you will know where to get what you want to buy at the cheapest price. This practice is particularly useful for big families who buy in large quantities or for those on a tight budget.
Another good habit is to check the quality and expiry dates of goods. Ensure that tins are not dented or damaged and the expiry dates are not too close so as to allow you to keep the products for some time.
Finally, be careful when you buy during sales. Don't be fooled! Know the prices first before you buy anything at a sale. Only then will you know if the sale is genuine or not. Also, many goods sold during 1 sales are old or rejects. Make sure you check the goods before making a purchase. By following these steps, I hope all of you will be wise shoppers. Thank you for being such attentive listeners.

Talks/Example FORM 5/3
You are a nurse at the local district hospital.
You have been invited to give a talk entitled 'General Health Care' to students of a nearby school.
Include the following points in your talk:
• Eat a balanced diet daily
• Ensure high level of personal hygiene
• Exercise regularly
• Go for regular medical and dental check-ups
You should use all the points given above.

A very good afternoon to all students present today.
It is a pleasure to be invited to your school to give a talk entitled 'General Health Care'. In order to be healthy, you must take care of yourselves.
Firstly, you must eat a balanced diet. A balanced diet means a diet that contains all the necessary nutrients required by the body. One must eat various types of food like meat, fish, eggs, vegetables and fruit. Only by doing this will you be able to get all the nutrients required by your body, including proteins, fibre, minerals, carbohydrates, fats and vitamins. If you eat mainly junk food, which most teenagers like, you will not get the nourishment that you require. In fact, you will end up eating a lot of food preservatives.
Regular exercise is also essential for good blood circulation and muscle tone. You can play outdoor games such as football, rugby and volleyball. You can also get involved in indoor activities such as badminton, table tennis, gymnastics and aerobics. Less strenuous exercises include walking in the mornings or evenings. Exercise, in whatever form, if done regularly, is important for people of all ages in order to lead a healthier and more active life.
Next, I want to talk to you about a very important aspect of health care—personal hygiene. You must always ensure that you have a high level of personal hygiene. Taking baths and brushing your teeth regularly are good habits. In addition, wear clean clothes and make sure that personal items like combs, hair brushes and toothbrushes are clean at all times.
Finally, you must have regular medical and dental check-ups. It is important to go to the dentist once or twice a year to check your teeth and to see a doctor if you do not feel well. This ensures healthy teeth and a healthy body. Remember, a balanced diet, exercise, good personal hygiene and regular medical and dental check-ups make you healthier young men and women. Thank you for your attention.

Talks/Example FORM 5/4
You are the Chairperson of your school's Consumer Club.
Write a talk focussing on raising awareness among club members about drug testing and caution them about possible dangers of participating in it.
Include the following points.
• Purpose of trial tests
— ensure drug is safe and effective for human beings
— need to test on a large number of human participants
• Reasons for participation
— doctor — paid well
— benefits humankind
—saves lives
• Dangers
— possible side effects — unknown risks
—possible death
• Advice
— take time to think
— talk with family members/friends
— talk with doctor/member of research team
— prepare questions to ask
You should use all the points given above.
When writing the talk, you should remember:
• to address the audience
• that your audience are mainly students
• to include all the points given
• to write in paragraphs

Good afternoon, Mrs Tan, our teacher-in-charge, and members of the Consumer Club of SM Mat Putih.
I am here to share with you information about drug testing or trial tests carried out by pharmaceutical companies and research organisations. The purpose of my talk is to raise awareness about the dangers of participating in such tests.
Before a drug is marketed for use by human beings, mandatory testing for its efficacy is compulsory. The drug is first tested on animals to study its effectiveness and possible side effects. Next, it is tested on human 'guinea pigs'. The purpose of such tests is to ensure that a new drug is safe and effective for people to use. In order to test its efficacy, it needs to be tested on a large number of human participants. However, the general public is unaware that multinational pharmaceutical companies and research organisations have shifted their drug testings from the West to Asia in recent years. One reason for the shift is the high costs incurred in testing because of the possibility of litigation and compensation if the tests should go wrong. In the West, there are stringent laws and strict requirements imposed; it is quite obvious that this is not the case in Asia. In addition, in the West, the question of ethics raised by various quarters often poses a hindrance to such tests.
In Malaysia, drug testings are actually carried out in public hospitals, private clinics and medical centres. The 'guinea pigs' are usually patients at the institution or healthy persons. The procedure involves the doctor informing the potential participant about the test itself and possible risks involved, and getting the consent of the person before the test is run.
It is important for us as consumers to know the dangers and possible risks involved if we do participate in a drug testing programme. They include possible side effects which may be irreversible, unknown risks and possible death if the trial goes wrong. In fact, there have been documented cases of deaths and permanent damage to the" body. In spite of this, why are people willing to be used as guinea pigs and why do doctors participate in such tests? One reason is the participant usually obliges because it is his own doctor who asks, thereby making it difficult to refuse. Another reason is because drug testings benefit mankind at large and save lives — so people see it as a moral duty and feel obliged. Doctors on their part get involved. because they are paid handsomely for their participation.
So, if you are approached about participating in a drug testing programme, do not consent immediately. Take time to think and talk it over with family members or friends. As consumers, we have the right to know, so it is always advisable to obtain all the relevant information by writing down questions to ask the doctor. For moral support, bring along a family member or friend, and remember to write down all the information given so that you can review it before making a decision. We have the right to make the choice for ourselves, so we should not allow ourselves to be persuaded into doing something we really do not want to do. We have only one life, so do not be too quick to say 'yes' to it drug test.
Thank you very much for your attention.

Talks/Example FORM 5/5
You have been invited by the Nature Society of your school to give a talk on 'Wildlife Conservation'.

Write your talk based on the information below.
— excessive logging — destroys habitat
— over-hunting and poaching — extinction of endangered species
— create more wildlife sanctuaries, gazette more forests
— develop public awareness on wildlife conservation
When writing the talk, you should remember:
— to use an appropriate greeting and closing
— to state the purpose of the talk
— to use all the information given
— to add two other reasons of your own
— that the talk is for school students

Sample Answer:
A very good afternoon to the Chairperson, Mr Mike Lawrance and friends.
Lately, there have been many reports of illegal logging and the smuggling of protected species of animals. All these have to be stooped to preserve and conserve wildlife in our forests.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are indeed very fortunate to inherit a land rich in greenery. Our tropical forests are among the oldest in the world and they are home to many species of plats and animals not found anywhere else.
However, with the increasing demand for housing and development, our forests are rapidly being cleared, destroying with it the habitat and food source of many animals. Once their habitat is gone, the animals have to look for food elsewhere and they may wander into nearby villages. In a village in Johor, a sun bear was killed and its paws chopped off by the locals when the animal was found looking for food in the village after its habitat was destroyed by loggers.
Ladies and gentlemen, this example of animals encroaching into human grounds is not the first. Tigers and elephants spotted in the vicinity of villages have been reported elsewhere. Usually, most wild animals keep away from humans but because of their shrinking hunting grounds, they have no choice but to venture into villages to look for food. Over-hunting and poaching of some species of animals by unscrupulous hunters have also contributed to their dwindling numbers. Some are on the verge of extinction. The smuggling of protected and endangered species has further aggravated the problem. Recently, police detained the driver of a lorry for trying to smuggle 200 tonnes of frozen pangolins and animal body parts out of the country.
And what about those who consume shark's fin soup? Ladies and gentlemen, do you know that the fins of the shark are sliced off while the fish is still alive? Isn't that a cruel act? So, let's put a stop to this cruelty and stop ordering shark's fin soup. If there is no demand, the supply will stop.
Ladies and gentlemen, today, many species of wild animals get another chance at life in zoos and safari parks. But more can be done to ensure their continued existence. For instance, wildlife sanctuaries can be built and more forests can be gazetted as forest reserves. Various organisations have also set up wildlife conservation programmes to bring about awareness of the need to protect and conserve animals in the wild.
We too, can play a role in ensuring the survival of endangered species. We can join the Malaysia Nature Society or support the works of the World Wildlife Fund or any other voluntary organisation devoted to protecting and conserving wildlife.
Every animal has the right to live and much lies in our hands. So, let us do our part to protect these animals.
Thank you.

Write the introductory (first) paragraph and the concluding (last) paragraph for the following topics. Use the above expressions or other similar expressions to begin and end the paragraphs.
1 You are a teacher. Give a talk on 'A Healthy Diet for Growing Children' to your students at a morning assembly.
2 You are a doctor. You have been invited by the Senior Citizens' Club to give a talk on the importance of exercise to its members.
3. Your friends hold a farewell tea party for you before you leave the town to go to another city/overseas for further studies. Give a thank you speech.
4. It is your grandfather's birthday. Give a speech to all the guests present at the dinner.
5. Give a thank you speech to your form teacher on behalf of your classmates at the end-of-year party.

Additional guides

Example 1
Preventing Burglary At Home

Writing guidelines
When writing speeches, remember to:
• greet the audience
• introduce the speaker
• introduce the topic
• mention the purpose of the speech
• mention the main points and provide suitable elaboration
• end your speech appropriately

Write a speech on the topic: Preventing burglary at home:
Composition Outline
Introduction: Greet the audience. give purpose of speech
Why burglaries - occupants not at home - carelessness or owners
Measures that can be taken – fix grilles – install burglar alarm – collect newspapers and mail.
When going out of town – inform neighbours – inform the police
Others measures – install CCTV
Conclusion: important to have all the security features at home

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.
Until recently, our residential area had been one of the few residential areas in the country to enjoy a zero-crime rate. However, a spate of break-ins and snatch thefts have occurred in our area in the past three months. If we are not vigilant, there could be an upsurge in such incidents.
In my speech today, I would like to outline several measures that can be taken to reduce the number of break-ins in our area.
Break-ins often occur when the occupants of a house are not at home. They can also occur due to the carelessness of house-owners. So the first thing to do is to fix grilles and to get reliable deadbolt locks. In some rare cases, there have been instances of burglars prising grilles open. Installing a burglar alarm reduces the risk of forced entry.
The next precaution that should be taken is to avoid providing any telltale signs of your absence. Should you and your family go on holiday, inform your immediate neighbours. Ask one of your neighbours to collect your newspapers and mail. Uncollected mail and newspapers give the impression that the house occupants are away. It is always better to inform the police when you are going out of town. The police will then be on the lookout and send police cars to patrol your neighbourhood.
Make sure the areas outside your house, especially the porch and the backyard, are well lit. A brightly lit area deters a burglar from breaking into the house.
Once inside your house, make sure the doors and windows are properly shut. Install peepholes with magnifying lenses to let you see who is at the door without opening it. Have telephones within reach. Place emergency numbers near every phone. Keep your cell phones switched on before you go to sleep.
If you can afford it, you can even install a closed-circuit television to monitor activities inside and outside your home.
These are some of the ways to prevent burglaries in your home. If you have not taken any of these measures, then perhaps you should do so now.
Thank you.

Word bank:
Vigilant - careful and alert
Upsurge - increase
Prising - using force to open

Example 2
A Welcome Speech

A new principal has been appointed to your school.
Write a speech to introduce and welcome him to your school.

Composition outlines:
Purpose of gathering
Previous schools be taught at
Sports enthusiast - interest in football. His involvement in the sport during his school day
Confident that he is qualified for the post.
School will achieve greater success under his guidance

Good evening to our new principal, Mr Gurbachan Singh, teachers and fellow students.
It gives me great pleasure to introduce our new principal, Mr Gurbachan Singh. Last week, we bid farewell to our beloved former principal, Mr Isaac Muthu, who has retired. Mr Gurbachan Singh has assumed his duties as the fifth principal of Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Intan Biru with effect from today, 25 February 2014.
A graduate from Universiti Malaya, Mr Gurbachan Singh holds a first class honours degree in English. He took up his first teaching post in Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Batu Tiga. After three years there, he was transferred to Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Bintang. In 2008, he was promoted to senior assistant in the same school. He became the principal of the Methodist Boys' School last year, and after his short stint there, he has come here as our principal.
I am sure that you are all eager to know about Mr Gurbachan's family. Mr Gurbachan Singh is married with three children. His wife, Mrs Harbans Kaur, is a teacher in Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Aman Jaya. This is all the information that I could glean from our new principal, who appears to be a soft-spoken man of few words. Mr Gurbachan Singh is a sports enthusiast, football and tennis being his favourite games. It might interest you to know that Mr Gurbachan was the captain of his school football team during his student days. He was awarded school colours for football. His many hobbies include reading, swimming and listening to Coldplay. If his past service records are anything to go by, we are confident that he is taking up a post for which he is well qualified and well suited. I am sure that he will prove himself to be efficient and to school dedicated to his new post. Under his guidance, the school is bound to achieve greater excellence in both the academic and sports arenas.
I am sure that Mr Gurbachan Singh has got many things to say to us. And so, without any further delay, I would like to invite him to deliver his inaugural speech.
Thank you.

Word bank:
Assumed - taken up
Schools clours - award given to a student for being an outstanfing member of a sportsteam
Stint - a limited period of work
Enthusiast - someone who is interested in a particular thing
inaugural speech - first speech given by someone starting in important job

Example 3
A Farewell Speech

As your principal is going to retire, you have been asked to give a farewell speech.
Write your speech using the notes below.

Composition outlines:
Purpose of gathering
Career - schools taught at - posts held
Contributions - physical changes in the field of sports
Roles played - disciplinarian, educationist, a friend in times of need, counsellor
Will-deserved time of rest -wishing a happy retirement

A very good morning to our principal, MrVenugopal Govindasamy, teachers and friends.
As you are all aware, we are gathered here to bid farewell to our respected and much-loved principal, who will be retiring. Today is his last day here.
We will be giving him a rousing send-off in a short while, but before that, let me brief you about Mr Venugopal's career and contributions to education. Mr Venugopal graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in History from Universiti Malaya in 1974. He obtained a Diploma in Education from the same university two years later.
His first teaching post was at SM Bedong in 1976. In subsequent years, he was sent to six other schools. He was appointed the principal of our school in 2003. Prior to this, he served as a senior assistant in SM Taman Sejahtera. Within a few years of his posting to our school, he brought about many changes. Among the physical changes he brought is the construction of a new block of classrooms and the building of a new science laboratory. However, he is best known for his efforts to beautify the school. Because of his relentless efforts, the school's surroundings were beautifully landscaped and transformed into a beautiful garden. Due to his efforts, our school won second place in the 'School in a Garden' competition last year.
Mr Venugopal also left his mark in other areas. A keen sportsman, his words of encouragement helped the school's Under-18 hockey team to emerge champions at the state-level competition for three consecutive years.
A stickler for discipline, he instilled both fear and respect among the students. Nevertheless, he always listened patiently to our problems and offered the best advice. He was an educationist who saw to all our needs in our studies, a friend when we were in need and a counsellor when we needed advice. Anyone who had problems found it very therapeutic just listening to him talk.
Mr Venugopal, although we are all here to bid a sad farewell to a beloved principal, we know that you need a well-deserved rest. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Have a happy retirement!
Thank you

Word bank:
Rousing - full of energy and enthusiasm
Sticker - a person who insists on the importance of something
Subsequent - following
Therapeutic - calming and relaxing
relentless - tireless

Example 4
How To Reduce Pollution

As the head of your school, write a speech on ways to reduce pollution, which is to be delivered during assembly on World Environment Day

Good morning, boys and girls.
Before I begin, let me introduce myself. I am Farid bin Isa and I am an officer working with PEMADAM, a government organisation which has been set up with the dual aims of fighting drug abuse and rehabilitating drug addicts. >br> — Drugs are substances used as medicine. They are beneficial and important in surgeries and life-threatening diseases. However, drugs should only be taken after consultation with a doctor. Drugs, when taken habitually, can lead to addiction which can cause a great deal of harm to the user.
Drug abuse has become the nation's number one enemy. This serious social problem, once associated with urban youth, has penetrated into even the remotest corners of the country. It has invaded villages and estates, which shows the extent to which moral decay affects all levels of society.
Drug addicts are a menace to society. Drug addiction hinders the addicts' ability to work in proper jobs. Because drugs are expensive, addicts often become involved in petty crime or get involved in other criminal acts, such as prostitution or illegal betting. They are parasites who are economically defunct. The stigma attached to these addicts makes them outcasts, shunned by society.
Drug addicts face the potential danger of being infected with HIV when they share needles and syringes that have been contaminated. Because of the danger posed by addicts and drug pushers, the government has waged an all-out war against drugs. Drug trafficking carries the death penalty.
Drugs are dangerous. Drugs can kill. So, stay away from drugs and drug addicts. Be careful about whom you mix with. Pursue a hobby, participate in sports and other co-curricular activities. If you have problems at home or in your studies, talk to your parents or teachers, especially your counselling teacher. Taking drugs will not solve your problems. It will only increase them and make you a social misfit. You will end up being a burden to your own family, friends and society.
Thank you.

Word bank:
Rehabilitating - helping someone to have a normal, useful life again
Stigma - Shame - disagree
Penetrated - entered or infiltrated
Outcasts - People who are not accepted by others
Hinders - affects adversely
Waged an all-out war - put all its resources into fighting
Defunct - nos functioning

Good evening, honourable judges, teachers and friends.
I am glad to have been given this opportunity to talk to you today. The title of my speech is 'Social Ills Among Teenagers'. A lot has been said about the deviant behaviour of teenagers. Our education system, the media, teenagers themselves and their parents have been blamed. There is no need to point an accusing finger at any particular group, but keeping mum over the issue is tantamount to condoning it. Our youths are our most valuable assets. They are the future leaders of the nation. The harm has already been done and it is now up to us to undo it.
One of the main reasons why our youths go astray may be the lack of parental supervision. Nowadays, both parents go out to work. Children are left in the care of foreign maids and child-minders. As a result, they are faced with the twin threats of disintegrating family values and the rising trend in social ills and criminal activities among teenagers. Parents should closely monitor their children and pay more attention to their needs.
When parents are often too busy pursuing their own careers to spare some thought for the welfare of their children, children grow up with little moral guidance. When they do not get love and attention at home, they seek attention from others who may or may not come from similar backgrounds. Thus, the social ills affecting our youth may be a reflection of a much larger problem, such as the disintegration of the family unit.
Ladies and gentlemen, the media may also play a part in the moral degradation among teenagers. Television programmes which show violence and sex and glorify other negative aspects should be restricted. There should also be stricter enforcement of the ban on pornographic material.
Teenagers with little or nothing to do during their spare time usually take to the streets. Therefore, recreational facilities such as those found in sports complexes should be available to all youths. At present, existing recreational facilities seem to be exclusively either for the rich or for older people. The establishment of teen clubs and community centres that do not charge high fees and that specially target teenagers should be given top priority. The programme is a good step towards achieving this goal.
In conclusion, ladies and gentlemen, everyone, including religious, educational and social institutions, as well as individuals and the media, must cooperate with the authorities to combat the social ills afflicting our teenagers. It is important that people, especially Greetir youths, do not get into the rut of moral decay. There should be a thorough study of the problem before a proper strategy can be mapped out to channel our youths towards healthier lifestyles.
Thank you for your kind attention and have a nice day.

Word bank:
Point an accusing finger - accuse or blame
monitor - observe closely
Keeping mum - keeping quiet
Combat - fight against
Tantamount - equal
Afflicting - affecting
Condoning - tolerating an offence
Get into the rut of without moral decay - get used to a life without moral values
Disintegration - break-up

Good morning, boys and girls.
Can you imagine a world without books and other kinds of reading material? Today, we enjoy such a wide array of reading material — books, magazines, newspapers, comics and so on. Yet, we do not seem to make an attempt to read. In a recent survey to find out about the reading habits of our students, we discovered that a majority of students hardly read. What a shame! Obviously, students do not realise the pleasures and benefits of reading. This is why I am standing here in front of you — to tell you about the benefits of reading.
It has been said that reading is exercise for the mind. This is because reading provides input and stimulates the mind. Today, there are millions of books and other reading material dealing with different subjects on the market, which are read for information, knowledge and recreation. Perhaps the cheapest source of information is the newspaper, which is read by almost everyone to keep up with the latest developments in the world. Apart from this, there are various magazines and books on topics such as health care, economics, politics and hobbies, which are not only informative and useful if a person wants to broaden his mind, but may provide entertainment as well. One can read to keep up with the news, for self-improvement or simply for relaxation.
Reading is good for one's creativity. This is because the reader has to imagine the scenes that are described in a story, unlike a person watching a film, where there is little left to the imagination. Studies have suggested that people who read a lot are more creative than those who often watch movies or television. As such, one of the benefits of reading is that it encourages a person to use his imagination.
Moreover, reading also helps to enrich and improve a person's language. There are certain words which are seldom used in spoken language but occur more often in writing. A person who reads comes across many such words and thus increases his vocabulary. When speaking, we often do not use complete or properly constructed sentences. In writing, only grammatical, well-constructed sentences should be used. Reading, therefore, introduces a person to a wider vocabulary, and correct grammar. To conclude, reading is the best way to acquire knowledge and information, besides being a form of entertainment. Reading also helps unleash our creative powers. Last but not least, there is no better way of gaining a better command of a language than through reading.
So, boys and girls, now that you know the benefits of reading, I'm sure you will make an attempt to do more reading.
Thank you.

Word bank:
Wide array - great variety
Creative powers - imagination, creativity

Example 7
Safety on The Road
As a representative of the English Language Society, you have been asked to give a talk on 'Safety on the Road is Our Responsibility.

Use the following notes to write your talk:
Cases of road accidents continue to rise
Crashes are attributed to human factors
Poor maintenance of vehicles
Road safety is a shared and collective responsibility
Hold more awareness campaign

Model Answer
A very good morning to Mr Tan, the principal, panel of teachers and students. In conjunction with 'Road Safety Week', I would like to give a talk on 'Safety on the Road is Our Responsibility.
Our local dailies and news bulletins are often filed with reports on road accidents and road accident fatalities. It is regrettable that cases of road accidents continue to rise even though the government has spent billions of ringgit in giving us better infrastructure. According to statistics, 90% of crashes are attributed to human factors such as drinking and driving, reckless driving and failure to obey traffic rules. Motorists, for instance, weave in and out of traffic. Drivers speed and race on the roads and ignore traffic rules. Many race through the traffic lights even when the red light flashes. Apart from that, there are also many reckless drivers who talk and even text on the phone while driving.
Another major cause of accidents is the poor maintenance of vehicles. Vehicle owners should ensure that their vehicles are road worthy before they are on the road. Driving vehicles with lights that do not function properly or brakes that are not in the best condition are potential hazards to themselves as well as other road users. It is the responsibility of the owners of the vehicles to send their vehicles regularly for servicing to ensure that they are safe to be used on the road.
Road safety is a shared and collective responsibility. To reduce the number of accidents in our country does not merely rest on strict enforcement of traffic rules. Confiscation of driving licence and suspension of traffic offenders may only help to reduce road accidents to a certain extent. Likewise, increasing penalty payment for road offences may not curb road accidents. Others who have no awareness that safety on the road is everyone's responsibility will continue to commit traffic offences. How we behave on the road is a reflection of our attitude towards life itself. Life is sacred and it is everybody's responsibility to ensure that the roads are safe for all users.
On this note, the government should also hold more awareness campaign aimed at inculcating good driving habits especially among school children. Only when road users ensure their vehicles are roadworthy, respect the law and think about their safety as well as others, the number of fatalities on our roads can be
I therefore, urge all road users to take their safety on the road seriously. All of us have a duty to ensure that we have a crash free society where road traffic crashes and fatalities will be a thing of the past. Whether you are a driver, a passenger, a motorist or a pedestrian, road safety is a shared and collective responsibility!
Thank you for lending me your ears.

Word bank:
Regrettable - causing or deserving regret; unfortunate; deplorable.
Hazard - a danger or risk:
Confiscation - the action of taking or seizing someone's property with authority; seizure:
Crash - collide violently with an obstacle or another vehicle:

Example 8
Sample Question
In conjunction with World Health Day, you have been asked to give a speech on 'The Importance of Living a Healthy Lifestyle'.

Use the following notes:
Managing your weight well
Creating a healthy lifestyle
Reasons why people are not willing to exercise
Engaging in physical activities

When writing the speech you must:
* use an appropriate greeting and closure
* state the purpose of the speech
* develop all the points given
* give your own ideas when needed

For your speech, you will receive up to 15 marks for the format and content points and up to 20 marks for the quality of your writing.

Model Anwer
A very good morning to Puan Anita Sukman, the principal of SMK Layang-Layang, panel of teachers and fellow students. In conjunction with World Health Day which is celebrated every year on 7th of April, I am here today to deliver a speech on the importance of living a healthy lifestyle.
Managing your weight well is leading to a healthy lifestyle. Over eating makes you feel heavy and lethargic. Keeping yourself slim helps to improve your health and quality of life. You tend to feel lighter and not so tired. To manage your weight well does not necessarily mean counting your carbs all the time. Simply eating more vegetables and fruits instead of diet rich in fat and carbohydrate goes a long way.
Creating a healthy lifestyle does not necessarily mean making drastic changes in your life. Many people seem to think that a healthy lifestyle means . a strenuous workout at the gym and paying a lot of money to exercise at gymnasiums. You can create a healthy lifestyle by making small changes in how you live each day. As an example, if you have been taking a bus to your school that is within walking distance, you can try walking there. If you have been paying domestic helpers to clean the house, try ospital I am doing it yourself.
Satisfying, I There are many reasons why people are not rtunities willing to exercise. Part of the reason may be the word 'exercise' itself. The word 'exercise' seems to imply hard work. Some feel that it takes too much time. Others think that it is too much trouble. In truth, exercise can happen anywhere. You can exercise by walking up and down the stairs of your school or home. You can even exercise while walking your dog. You are also exercising when you are cutting the grass or cleaning your house. Once you understand that there are ways to fit exercise into your life, you are on the road to leading a healthy lifestyle.
Engaging in physical activities together is a good way to keep a friendship alive. You can always get a few friends to play a game that you enjoy. You can also get your neighbours to go jogging around the housing estate. This way, you can keep in touch with your friends and neighbours and keep fit too. So, take your eyes away from the computer screen or your mobile and get active. Start having real interactions with friends and at the same time leads a healthy lifestyle.
To close my speech, I once again urge you to get up and about. Stay active, eat a balanced diet and lead a healthy lifestyle. Invest your time in building a safer and better future.
Thank you.

Model Compositions for SPM 1119

Good morning to the principal, teachers and students.
World Environment Day is commemorated on 5 May every year. This day is an opportunity for us to raise environmental awareness and to encourage action to safeguard the environment.
We are living in a time when wasteful consumption and bad habits are placing growing demands on the earth's resources. Unless we take on the task of safeguarding the environment, we cannot prevent it from further degradation.
An enormous amount of resources and energy can be saved with just a little effort. At home, we should separate and recycle waste. Reducing water wastage and conserving electricity are practices that will safeguard the environment. We should discard products only as a last resort.
As consumers, we should make an effort to buy only environmentally friendly goods. We should avoid products that are disposable. Instead, we should buy products that can be reused or recycled, or products that are biodegradable. Petrol-guzzling and pollutant-emitting machines are a major source of environmental pollution. We can reduce the amount of emissions by carpooling and using public transport.
Every little action on our part can go a long way towards protecting our environment. Whatever we do serves as an example for others. If we all get together and make an effort to save the environment, we can make a difference.
Thank you.

Word bank:
commemorated - remembered
biodegradable - able to be reduced to natural or harmless substances
last resort - something done when every other method has failed

Good morning to the principal, senior assistants, teachers and friends.
As the president of our school's Environment Club, I feel honoured to talk to you about ways to conserve water.
I am sure you are all aware of the water crisis that has pervaded various parts of the country. Our town is no exception. In recent weeks, we have had to put up with water cuts, water rationing, and other inconveniences. We should all play our part to conserve and use water sparingly if we do not want this to become a perennial problem.
How can we conserve water? We can start in our own homes. Much water is wasted when we leave the tap on while brushing our teeth or when taking time to lather on shampoo. All that is required of us is a simple action—turn off the tap. When washing bathrooms or toilets, we can always use recycled water—for example, water from the washing machine. This is killing two birds with one stone. You will not only conserve water; you will also pay lower water tariffs.
In the kitchen, we can recycle water used for washing rice or vegetables and use it for washing drains or the bathroom. Instead of washing or rinsing dishes under running water, we can always use a basin of water. In addition, we should run the washing machine only when there is a full load.
When washing the car or motorcycle, always use water from a pail. Do not use the hose directly. Collect rainwater to wash your porch or drains. Rainwater can also be used for aquariums since it is chlorine-free. For those of you who have gardens, water your plants or lawns in the morning or late evening to reduce the loss of water through evaporation.
Friends, water is a priceless gift from Mother Nature. It is too precious to be wasted or taken for granted. Therefore, do your part and conserve water.
Thank you.

Word bank:
pervaded - spread to
killing two birds with one stone - achieving two aims at the same time
Perennial - continuing for a ery long time

Good morning to our principal, teachers and students. Welcome back to school! As we begin a new school term this morning, I would like to refresh your memory about our school regulations, especially regarding attire and conduct.
To create a good impression, always be dressed neatly in your school uniform complete with white shoes and white socks. Don't forget to wear your school badge and name tag.
Your hair should be short and neatly combed. Boys should always keep their hair short. Girls will be allowed to keep their hair long but it should always be neatly combed and tied back. No one is allowed to wear jewellery. If you do, then your jewellery will be confiscated. You cannot wear make-up and your nails should always be kept short. Remember, no nail polish is allowed.
Always be punctual. Respect your teachers and pay attention in class. Remember, no loitering and no playing truant. If you don't comply with the school rules, you will have to face the music.
Last term, several students were suspended or expelled from school for fighting, smoking and other serious offences. Mobile phones are banned. If you bring a mobile phone, it will be confiscated. These regulations are meant to create a positive image and environment for the school. There are, of course, some black sheep who will break the regulations. Do not be influenced by them. Instead, set a good example for others.
Thank you.

Word bank:
Attire - clothes
Suspended - banned from attending school for a duration of time
Confiscated - taken away
Comply - follow
Expelled - asked to officially leave the school
Face the music - face the consequences
Black sheep - people who are considered bad or embarrassing

Good morning to our principal, teacheGood morning to the principal, senior assistants, teachers and friends.
Today, I would like to give a speech about things we can do to stay safe while walking to and from school. Many of our students walk to school as they live within walking distance. When it comes to walking to school, safety is the buzzword. Often, when we use the same route to school over and over again, we become complacent and nonchalant. When we become complacent, we take fewer precautions as we anticipate fewer risks. That is when danger rears its ugly head. When walking to and from school, do not throw caution to the wind. Instead, take the necessary precautions.
In the first place, never walk alone; walk in a group. Remember, there is safety in numbers. Friends, sometimes we take certain routes to shorten our commute. However, this can be dangerous. Use well-travelled, well-lit roads. Don't take shortcuts. Do not venture into dark areas, for this is where teenagers can be most vulnerable.
When you walk, do you walk with the flow of traffic or 'against the flow of traffic? A person walking with the traffic can be easily followed, forced into a vehicle and abducted. Therefore, walk against the flow of traffic. Always let your parents know where you are going and the time you will return.
Another word of caution—do not carry large amounts of money. Do you carry mobile phones or MP3 players with you? If you do, do not flaunt them. In addition, let me just reiterate—do not carry large amounts of money. Doing so will only make you another crime statistic.
Be wary if someone stops you and asks for directions. Be polite but keep a safe distance from the person. Be alert of your surroundings all the time. Do not be distracted by other activities such as talking on a mobile phone or listening to music.
By following these few simple safety tips we reduce the risk of something untoward happening to us as we walk to and from school. With that, I have come to the end of my speech.
Thank you for listening

Word bank:
Complacent - satisfied with how things are and not willing to change them
safety in numbers - being part of a group makes you less likely to be harmed
Commute - travel
Nonchalant - relaxed Vulnerable - likely to be hurt
Anticipate - expect Flaunt - display or show
Rears its ugly head - (of something unpleasant) shows up or appears
Reiterate - repeat something for emphasis
throw caution to the wind - become very careless
Untoward bad

Good morning to the principal, teachers and friends.
Our school's Counselling Club carried out a survey to determine the time spent by students on social networking sites. The results of the survey indicate that students spend an average of two to three hours surfing a day. This is an unhealthy trend that can have adverse consequences.
Since their inception, social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram have attracted many Malaysian users, including students. Many of our students spend several hours every day instant messaging, posting photos, sharing information, reconnecting with their friends or updating their accounts. While most social networking sites build a special niche for people who share common interests, they have also opened up new doorways for cybercrime. Therefore, it is very important to be aware of the risks involved.
Social networking sites allow you to create an individualised page that often includes personal information such as your address, age, birthday and telephone number, as well as photos and personal comments you share with your friends. Once you have given all this information, you may become a victim of a professional identity thief who can use your personal information to commit a potential crime.
One frightening repercussion of this involvement in social networking sites is that students spend more time using social media and are becoming more detached from society. Virtual contact replaces direct human contact or face-to-face interaction with others. Many students When students neglect their studies, their grades will suffer. Users are on these sites for hours, and this can lead to an inactive lifestyle and health problems such as eye strain and poor blood circulation. Users also face threats to personal safety either online or in real life. Stalkers and sexual predators can peruse the profiles of potential victims and gain access to a lot of information.
Social networking sites provide an easy and fun way to keep in touch with friends. Carried out safely and sensibly, social networking can provide hours of fun. However, one must be aware of the pitfalls and know how to handle them.
I hope my talk has enlightened you all about the dangers of spending too much time on social networking sites.
Thank you.

Word bank:
inception - beginning
repercussion - effect
niche - comfortable position
detached - disengaged
peruse - read
potential - possible

Good morning to the principal, teachers and friends.
As you are all aware, our school has organised a cleanliness campaign. Today, I would like to talk about the campaign. The duration of the campaign is one month, from 1 to 30 April 201X. The objectives of the campaign are three fold to increase awareness among students of the need to keep the school and the surrounding area clean, to improve students' knowledge of ways to reduce and dispose of waste, and to develop positive student attitudes regarding cleanliness.
Cleaning is not exactly an activity that excites us but it has to be done. In fact, for many of us, cleaning seems like a mammoth task that is both time-consuming and tiring. However, if it is done on a regular basis, then it will not be overwhelming. It will also reduce the need for all-day marathon cleaning sessions.
There are a number of things you can do to keep your class and the surrounding area clean. Have a schedule for all cleaning activities. Assign duties to everyone in class. Go the extra mile to keep your school clean. Pick up rubbish lying on the ground whether you are on the field, eating in the cafeteria or climbing up the stairs. If everyone does this on a regular basis, then the whole school will always be litter-free. Clear rubbish bins when they are full. Do not wait until there are telltale signs like overflowing bins and a stale odour. Also, wipe window panes, fans and other areas where dust accumulate.
At the same time, use the rubbish bins that are provided and do not litter. Besides that, do not vandalise walls and school property. Most importantly, have a positive attitude and do not be lazy.
Your school can be a sanctuary or a place of stress depending on how you clean and maintain it. If you keep doing these things on a regular basis, they will eventually become second nature to you. With that, I have come to the end of my speech.
Thank you.

Word bank
Mammoth - huge
Go the extra mile make - a special effort to achieve something
Marathon - a long-lasting and difficult task or activity
Telltale - revealing
Sanctuary - a safe and pleasant place

Good morning to our principal, teachers and friends.
purpose of speech Today, as the head prefect of SMK Sri Hati, I would like to talk about an issue that affects some of our students. I am talking about electronic cigarettes or e-cigarettes. When it was first introduced, everyone thought that it was just a passing fad. But it wasn't. It became a trend—a global phenomenon.
Friends, what are electronic cigarettes or vapes? Electronic Introduction cigarettes are battery-operated devices that heat liquid and produce • not a safer flavoured vapours. Take a walk to any part of town and you are alternative bound to see young people, especially teenagers, puffing out clouds • not cool of smoke. Vaping proponents insist that vaping is a safer alternate to smoking cigarettes and that it causes little damage to health. This is a misconception. The large clouds of vapour swirling around vapers are neither cool nor safe.
A flurry of new research has revealed the potential dangers of e-cigarettes. E-cigarettes contain nicotine that is both addictive and has a negative impact on brain development. Another inherent problem with vaping is the presence of formaldehyde that is used as a preservative and damages the lungs. The use of flavourings in vapes also raises red flags. They contain chemicals that could damage the heart. There is also the more immediate danger of the device potentially exploding when heated. Moreover, many in the medical industry deem vaping to be a gateway to tobacco smoking, and I am sure that all of you are aware of the harmful effects of tobacco smoke on the body.
Friends, do not be fooled into thinking that e-cigarettes are harmless and that you can vape to your heart's content. You are teenagers with bright futures. Please do not throw your health away.
Thank you.

Word bank:
Fad - something that people are interested in for only a short period of time
Misconception - a belief that is not based on correct information
Inherent - existing as a permanent part of something that cannot be removed
Global phenomenon - worldwide event that is not fully understood
Proponents - supporters
Raises red flags - indicates danger