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We customised investment strategies for client's specific needs

"Scandals make news. Coverage news make you popular without spending so much money and scandal-making business can be quite arduous." Azman J. Singh.

Together, we represent the largest economic development services organisation in the world. There is immerse power when a group of people with similar interests gets together to work toward the same goals.

Good management and technical capabilities, compliance to best practices and good project management.

Evening Crest Sdn Bhd is a private limited company duly incorporated in Malaysia on 21 September 2018 under the Company Act 2016. The company’s business registration number is 20180134159 (1296186-U). Having its registered office at No. 26G, Jalan 4/76C, Desa Pandan, 55100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and the company’s business operation/address is currently located at C-03A-01, Colonial Tower Empire City Damansara, Damansara Perdana, Jalan PJU 8, 47820 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia.

Today, the company has a strong financial foundation with MYR 1,000,000.00 paid-up capital to operate and grow. We have also been dedicated by a factoring house (registered with Ministry of Finance Malaysia) to utilise up to MYR 10,000,000.00 cash facilities to manage those contracts which are awarded by the government and GLCs procurements. Thus, it helps us to build trust with clients, creditors and suppliers, as it shows that the company has a strong financial foundation to sustain its operation.

Business Affiliates

Communicate clearly and consistently. It is usually defined as the transmission of information. It is about the process of understanding and sharing meaning. We build trusted and enduring relationships by being concise, credible, and direct.

Take responsibility. It is about an acceptance of responsibility for honest and ethical conduct towards others. We learn from our failures and successes, and follow through on our promises to our team and our clients.

Do the right thing. It is the practice of being honest and showing a consistent and uncompromising adherence to strong moral and ethical principles and values. We conduct ourselves and our work with honesty, determination and dedication to our mission.

Let's Look At What We do...

Politicians have won elections with promises to combat inflation, only to lose power after failing to do so...

The Dangers of Corruption and the Importance of Transparency and Accountability...

Economics is a part of social science which is associated with the study of production, households, ...

Regional Economic Forum. A forum is an online platform where users can engage in discussions, share...

Some dreams we're proud of

Featured Projects

AI And HR In 2030

The American Society of Mechanical Engineers promotes the art, science and practice of multidisciplinary engineering and allied sciences around the globe.

Reasons To Work With Us

Professional Management
Focus On Value Creation
Sustain Results
Strong Reputation

The world's largest blockchain asset platform.

Our Targeted Sectors
For Portfolio Investments

Best of all, capital investing can provide us with another source of income, create countless number of jobs and contribute towards a better standard of living for all. We believe that economic openness would positively impact trade and stimulate job growth and economic opportunities.

The World of Fashion


Unit Trust & Estate Planning

Unit trust structures vary by region and are available in places like Guernsey, Jersey, Fiji, Ireland, New Zealand, Australia, Canada, Namibia, Kenya, Singapore, South Africa, the U.K., the Isle of Man, and Malaysia. In Asia, a unit trust is the same as a mutual fund, while in Canada, these investments are called income trusts.

What is Unit Trust?

Complete Guide to Unit Trust Investments In Malaysia

The Power of Investing: 5 Reasons Why Investing is Important

Personal Monthly/Yearly Budget

A personal monthly/yearly budget is a spending plan that estimates income and expenses over a specific period of time. It's a way to track spending and ensure that savings are set aside for emergencies and long-term goals.

A good budget includes:
Income: Estimating how much money will come in during the month/yearly.
Expenses: Allocating money to cover living expenses like food, housing, transportation, and insurance.
Savings: Setting aside money for regular savings.

The Future of Trading and Investing with AI - Stay ahead of the investing curve by remaining at the forefront of current and upcoming trends.
Get comfortable with artificial intelligence because it’s becoming a part of our everyday lives.
AI trading is just the beginning, with complex algorithms in almost every product on the market.

10 Ways To Plan For A Better Financial Future
Taking steps to safeguard your financial future doesn’t need to be an intimidating task

Small changes now can have big pay offs later on and by following these 10 tips, you’ll be well on your way to protecting yourself for the year ahead and beyond.
1. Start with your yearly budget
2. Calculate your outgoings
3. Review your short, medium and long-term financial goals
4. Reassess your attitude to risk
5. Grow your savings
6. Safeguard your personal, family and business protection
7. Take into account any life changing events
8. Establish a repayment plan for any debts and claim potential credit
9. Invest in your financial knowledge
10. Seek the advice of a financial adviser

Reaching The Stars For Our Clients

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9:00 AM - 5.00 PM

AI Trading Platform / Decentralized Stock and Crypto

The Future Of AI: 5 Things To Expect In The Next 10 Years - (1) AI and ML will transform the scientific method, (2) AI will become a pillar of foreign policy, (3) AI will enable next-gen consumer experiences, (4) Addressing the climate crisis will require AI, and (5) AI will enable truly personalized medicine...Read more. - Integrity, Sincerity and Honesty

We are a democratic citizen. We are living in one of the democratic countries in the world. In a democratic country there is always a room for correction. If they are looking for a place for correction, please provide it for the seek of future improvement purposes. If not, the generation to come will only look good and definitely they will not be able to reach perfection in life. If not, only a certain number of the citizens will be eating using a silver spoon and the rest remains unchanged....Read more